Gary “braves the shave” for cancer charity


AN IT technician from the Warrington Campus of the University of Chester  more than doubled his fundraising target when he “braved the shave” for Macmillan Cancer Support.  
Gary Mather, 47, from Warrington, expected to raise £150 but in fact raised more than £428 for the cause, after shaving off his healthy head of hair in memory of his grandmother.
Gary headshave beforeGary headshave afterHe said: “I’ve raised money for cancer charities in the past, in memory of my Gran, who sadly lost her battle with cancer, but I wanted to do something a little different this time around.
“A friend of mine told me about ‘Brave The Shave’ for Macmillan Cancer Support and I signed up without hesitation. It seemed insignificant to look a little different for a while if it would help to make a difference to someone else’s life.
“I’ve had a full head of hair for as long as I can remember so it was a big step for me, although I felt strangely calm about it all”
Gary’s shave took place on the ground floor of the Broomhead Library, based on the University’s Warrington Campus, witnessed by colleagues and sponsors and documented on film by the Media Department.
He added: “It was a really good turnout although I’m not sure how many were there for support, or just to see me publicly humiliated! One of my colleagues offered to do the shaving and added a touch of humour to the event.
“It was a really good laugh – at my expense – and more importantly, thanks to the generosity of the staff at the Warrington Campus, I smashed my initial fundraising target of £150 and raised lots of money for Macmillan Cancer Support, which was always the main focus of my doing this.
“I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported me and Macmillan, I am genuinely humbled by their generosity.”


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