Success for education in Warrington


EDUCATION chiefs are delighted that the success of their collaborative working has been recognised at a national level.

Figures released on Thursday by the Department for Education show across the north west, Warrington is 2nd best in primary performance and 5th best in secondary performance.

Due to joint working between the council and schools and academies, educational performance in Warrington continues to rise despite an increasingly decentralised school system with more and more schools choosing to secure academy status.

Cllr Jean Carter, executive board member for children’s services, said: “In Warrington, we operate a status neutral approach to education that means we work with all providers and this is because we have a moral duty to support all our Warrington children whatever school they attend.

“”The situation in Warrington could not be more different than the national picture with all schools engaging in collaborative projects to support key priorities across the borough, regardless of their status.

Warrington Borough Council’s operational director Sarah Callaghan said: “The results are down to the schools, they work together to see what works best so they can do more of it. We are so fortunate in Warrington that schools choose to work with the council, that is not the case everywhere and its testament to the value of the service.”

Tim Long, Chair of WASCL ( Warrington Secondary Heads) said: “In Warrington, it’s recognised that improvement starts with effective leadership and that is generated and sustained through positive collaborative relationships that put children and young people at the heart of what we do, the results indicate it is working.”


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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