Improved drug and alcohol services swing into action


ENHANCED drug and alcohol services swing into operation at Warrington today – with residents and local prisoners set to benefit.
The borough council’s public health team and NHS England has commissioned CRI to deliver enhanced ways of providing help and support to people with drug and alcohol addictions both in prisons and in the community.
CRI, known locally as Pathways to Recovery, will build on existing services and create additional and innovative approaches to service delivery to support people affected by drug and alcohol misuse.
The services provided are focussed on recovery and getting people well.  The team will use a wide range of techniques including psychological interventions to ensure the overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of their clients.
There are several mutual aid groups that run throughout Warrington which people are encouraged to attend, as they often form an important part of their recovery.
For the past few years, the CRI team has provided excellent services from its treatment services in Bold Street and from the interlinked Recovery Hub in Museum Street by helping people become free from drugs and alcohol and also become positive and active members of their local community.
CRI recovery teams at Risley Prison and Thorn Cross Youth Offending Institution will continue to offer a range of innovative services including prison detox, access to help from peer mentors, psychosocial interventions and online recovery and well-being packages.
Cllr Pat Wright (pictured), the borough co9uncil’s lead member for statutory health and adult social care, said: “This is good news for the town and for those people who need effective and personal advice and support to deal with their addictions.
“CRI has already proved that it can provide services that can make a difference and actively support people so they can beat their addictions and we look forward to seeing more positive results of this new contract.”
Carl Roberts, CRI services manager said:” This is a fantastic opportunity to take the service to the next level, and introduce a second wave of recovery-orientated services to Warrington.  We want to create an offer that covers all communities in Warrington aiming for universal health benefits for individuals and that includes families, jobs and homes, and of course increase the likelihood of sustained recovery for the community as a whole.”


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