Council offers help for Syrian refugees


WARRINGTON Borough Council is offering support for Syrian refugees.
Council leader Terry O’Neill (pictured) has written to the government to offer the council’s support with the proposed dispersal of vulnerable Syrian refugees in the UK and called for adequate support packages to be put in place to make this possible.
Cllr O’Neill today wrote to the Home Secretary Theresa May to make the offer of support after Councillors had agreed earlier this week to set up an all-party Task Group with partners in the town, to provide a holistic
response to the refugee crisis.
He called on the government to put in place adequate support packages to ensure that vulnerable Syrian refugees are cared for, and for local authorities to be properly resourced and fully reimbursed by central government for the costs of their response to the crisis, so it is not at the detriment of funding services for existing local residents.
Cllr O’Neill added: “The council has enormous sympathy with refugee families who are fleeing persecution and we want to try to help those caught up in this humanitarian crisis.
“However the government must inform us of how this is to be implemented and funded.
“As soon as we hear anything from government on what they want councils to do then we can decide how to take things forward to provide support to these vulnerable people.”


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1 Comment

  1. Existing services have already been squeezed to the limit, so there wouldn’t be any money to be had from that source!
    Europe and central govt have already promised some funding.
    But it’s not all about cash is it? With the already massive waiting list of people for socially rented housing where is it proposed that any newcomers will be housed?
    With it being already extremely difficult to get a doctor’s appointment and waiting times in accident and emergency being horrendous, what plans are there to make sure this situation doesn’t get worse?
    I hope all the wider issues are not overlooked.

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