Diving duo smash ‘Going the Extra Mile’ challenge


TWO disabled Warrington men have led a team of 30 divers to complete the “Going the Extra Mile Scuba Challenge” in aid of Warrington Disability Partnership (WDP).
Full-time wheelchair users Dave Thompson, 57, WDP chief executive and founder,  and former Afghanistan serviceman Tom Coleridge, 23, each completed a gruelling 64-length dive at Woolston Neighbourhood Hub.
They were part of a team that dived the equivalent distance of Warrington to Halewood – raising thousands of pounds in the process.
Dave said: “Tom and I face daily misconceptions about what disabled people can’t do.
“We’re proud to challenge those barriers and show that there is life after spinal injury.”
Among those who completed the full one-mile challenge were local DJ Dominic Walker, who tweeted: “What an excellent event – loved it!” after collecting his certificate from Mayor of Warrington Geoff Settle.
Dave added: “We are especially grateful to Terry Wood of Cheshire Scuba Academy and his team, along with LiveWire, who donated use of the swimming pool.
“I would also like to thank each and every person who has taken the time to sponsor our team; to come along to cheer us on; or who has tweeted their messages of support. It really does make a difference and – as our Disability Information Officer Tom would say – it’s thanks to you that we ‘smashed it’.
“It’s no surprise to me to find out that our team collectively covered an equivalent distance from Warrington to Halewood, though it’s much easier to swim a mile without turning round!”
The dive marked the culmination of another great event for the charity who shared their pride at being part of the inaugural Warrington Festival.
Earlier that day WDP had held a successful tombola at the Medieval Market, bringing the weekend’s fundraising total to £3,500.
Donations to Team WDP continue to be welcomed at: https://www.justgiving.com/wdpscuba2015/


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1 Comment

  1. Well done guys – especially Dave for doing the distance – great event to watch my suit may have stayed dry on the outside but it was like a sauna on the inside and I must like you have lost pounds in weight but great to hear how many pounds you raised. Lots of stars receiving certificates and very pleased to be giving them out with the Mayoress and Hastag Teddy Charlotte – her first awards ceremony.

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