Village road works start next month


A NEW  programme of road repairs is set to start in Croft early next month bringing significant benefits to local residents.
Roads to be resurfaces include Southworth Lane, Spring Lane, Dam Lane, New Lane and Smithy Lane.
The work has been welcomed by local councillors Chris Vobe and Matt Smith who have been campaigning for road improvements in Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft.
Cllr Smith said: “Our commitment to significantly improving the road network across the villages is slowly but surely being realised. Despite devastating cuts to Warrington’s budget by the government, we are striving to ensure that Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft gets its fair share of investment. Improving our roads – particularly along main arterial routes – is a crucial part of attracting businesses and other organisations to establish themselves in this part of Warrington.
“Good quality roads, and a well-kept local environment, all help to keep business and investment here, which in turn keeps our economy moving.”
Cllr Vobe added: “We have seen significant council investment in our roads over the past three years and this latest wave of resurfacing projects will be particularly welcome in Croft.
“The roads which will benefit from improvements are some of the areas which have been most in need.”
Diversions will be in place while the resurfacing takes place. Work is set to commence on October 5.


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  1. Hello Heather,
    Can you let me know which bus service your family uses (and which stop you get on at) – I can liaise with the provider and double check what the impact (if any) of the resurfacing work will be. It may be that the work will not start until after the buses have collected people, but I can get this confirmed for you.
    Best wishes,

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