Get ready for the fairy tale flashmob


A GATHERING of fairy tale characters will descend on the Market Gate area of Warrington town centre to create a flashmob event the likes of which have never been seen before.
Children and adults dressed in fairy tale or medieval costume are being to join the fairy tale flashmob event at exactly 12.30pm on Saturday September 5.
A number of princesses will lead a little dance before taking part in a short parade around the town centre.
Spot prizes will be awarded to those in the best costume, or performing the best dance.
The event will form part of Warrington Market’s Medieval Day celebrations across the town centre and will be one of the many attractions and activities taking place on the day.
Visitors to the town centre will be able to see the spectacular Epico the Dragon, Viking long ships, knights on horseback and many exciting medieval characters.  Plus, there will be more than 50 specialist stalls selling a wide variety of medieval themed items.
Cllr Mike Hannon, deputy leader of the borough council, said: “This event has become one of the busiest days in the town centre promotional calendar, and this year it will be bigger and better with lots more attractions filling the town centre streets.  The message is clear, Warrington market has been around for over 750 years and at no time will it close as work continues to takes place to build a new market hall.”
The Medieval Day marks the start of the Warrington Festival with 25 events over 25 days in September.


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1 Comment

  1. That sounds like a fun day.
    Will the deputy leader Cllr Mike Hannon be joining in and dressing up too?
    Maybe a princess costume, a dark knight or has anyone got any other suggestions?
    Go on Cllr Hannon…..and get some of the other councillors to do it too, it would be a laugh. You could raise some money for charity too by all taking turns sitting in some stocks and we could pay to throw soft rotten tomatoes and fruit at you all (more fun than wet sponges) ha ha. I’m liking this idea….go on I dare you too 😀 😀

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