Security gate to keep travellers out


A SECURITY gate has been installed on Silver Lane, Risley – designed to put an end to traveller incursions.
The move has been welcomed by Culcheth councillors Chris Vobe and Matt Smith.
Cllr Vobe (pictured) said: “We are delighted that gate has finally been installed on Silver Lane. Matt and I were very pleased to visit the site during completion of the work.
“The ‘stopping up’ of Silver Lane will make a huge difference to the area – not only will it be a significant step in our bid to stop traveller incursions, but it will also aid in putting an end to fly tipping and represents the first step in the restoration of the former landfill site.
“The ‘stopping up’ of Silver Lane was one of the commitments that Matt and I made prior to our election – we were determined to deliver on our pledge and were very pleased to have secured the traffic regulation order which allowed this process to take place.”


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