Shale gas plans to be “fast-tracked”


SHALE gas planning applications will be fast-tracked through a new, dedicated planning process, under measures announced today.
But Energy Secretary Amber Rudd and Communities Secretary Greg Clark said local people – in areas such as Warrington – would have a strong say over the development of shale exploration in their area.
However the proposals would ensure communities and the industry benefit from a swift process for developing safe and suitable new sites.
Today’s measures include identifying councils that repeatedly fail to determine oil and gas applications within the 16 week statutory timeframe, with subsequent applications potentially decided by the Communities Secretary.
Warrington has two  possible coal bed methane sites – Doe Green, near Penketh, where exploratory work is already going on and a site near Thelwall Viaduct.
Ms Rudd said: “As a One Nation Government, we are backing the safe development of shale gas because it’s good for jobs giving hardworking people and their families more financial security, good for our energy security and part of our plan to decarbonise the economy. We need more secure, home grown energy supplies – and shale gas must play a part in that.
“To ensure we get this industry up and running we can’t have a planning system that sees applications dragged out for months, or even years on end. Oversight by the Health and Safety Executive and the Environment Agency of shale developments makes our commitment to safety and the environment crystal clear. We now need, above all else, a system that delivers timely planning decisions and works effectively for local people and developers.”
Mr Clark said: “There is huge potential right across the country for safe and sustainable use of shale gas, to provide a clean long term energy source and create British jobs and growth.
“People’s safety and the environment will remain paramount and communities will always be involved in planning applications but no one benefits from uncertainty caused by delays in planning decisions. By fast tracking any appropriate applications today’s changes will tackle potential hold ups in the system.”
The Government has made clear shale is a national priority, helping to move the UK to a low-carbon economy.
But Ministers want to ensure shale applications can’t be frustrated by slow and confused decision making among councils, which benefits no one.
If planning applications for shale exploration developments take months or even years it can create uncertainty for communities and prevent the development of a potentially vital national industry, they say.
Warrington North MP Helen Jones has called for Warrington to become an “anti-fracking borough.”
But borough council leader Cllr Terry O’Neiil says no decision has been made to make Warrington “anti-fracking.”
He says any fracking applications would be subject to a formal and extensive planning process, public consultation and formal statutory procedures including a public inquiry.
Earlier this month, Minister for Energy and Climate Change Andrea Leadsom, visiting Doe Green along with Warrington South MP David Mowat, pledged that if any fracking took place in Warrington it would be subject to “the highest levels of safety.”


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