Sophie’s a champion four times

Sophie Rogers 2

Sophie, with Erw-Wastad British Lion (Picture: Real Time Imaging)

AMATEUR horse rider Sophie Rogers, 29, from Glazebrook took four champion titles at the SEIB Trailblazers National Championships at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire – including overall reserve Supreme Champion in both the Ridden and In Hand sections.
The championships are the culmination of the hard work put in by every amateur rider through two rounds of qualification competitions at more than 65 venues across the UK.
Sophie, who works as a dosimetry assistant for a nuclear power company, had attended the championships twice before and having really enjoyed the previous years she decided to try and qualify again this year.
She said: “I have been involved in showing for as long as I can remember.
“I first started out at local riding clubs.”
Sophie was thrilled to have successfully qualified both of her two horses, O’Malley III and Erw-Wastad British Lion, for this year’s championships.
O’Malley III, a 17-year-old gelding, was in a winning streak taking the title of In Hand Hunter, In Hand Veteran and Ridden Veteran Champion and went on to stand Ridden Reserve Supreme.
Sophie’s success continued with two-year-old Erw-Wastad British Lion. This was the colt’s first year at Trailblazers and he won the In Hand Best Condition Championship and was also In Hand Reserve Supreme.
A jubilant Sophie said: “The highlight for me was winning with both ponies but for each to achieve reserve supreme was beyond my wildest dreams, I felt so proud to own such super ponies.” said Sophie.
With no registration fees for horse or rider, Trailblazers is increasingly popular across the country. Classes at the Championships include showing, dressage, show jumping and combined training. First round qualifying competitions are already underway for next year’s event.
To find out more about the range of classes available and qualifying dates and venues visit,


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