£108,000 will give two schools solar energy


COMMUNITY benefit society Lymm Community Energy has raised £108,000 for two schools through a successful share offer – the first of its kind in the Warrington area.

The money will be used to fund the installation of solar panels on Oughtrington Primary and Ravenbank Primary.

The initiative enables local people and organisations to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency installation, receive a financial return and benefit the local community.

Lymm Community Energy chairman Zoe Cohen said: “We are delighted to announce that we reached our target and closed our share offer three days early. Thanks to all our investors for their fantastic support.

“As a result, installers are now on site making sure that two local schools will benefit from cheap energy, and their pupils can learn about clean sustainable power by seeing it operating, from the beginning of next term.“

Anyone interested in finding out more about Lymm Community Energy, future share offers, and the progress on installing the panels should visit:

The two schools are excited about the prospect of being able to ‘run on sun’ and have their own renewable energy.

A Ravenbank pupil said: “We are very excited and intrigued to finally have solar panels fitted on our school because it will help care for our world and should provide energy for our lights and Interactive whiteboards. We are really interested to see it in action and how it will benefit our school. Thank you!”
Lymm Community Energy is a social enterprise set up by Low Carbon Lymm in collaboration with Warrington Borough Council.


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