Danger for children in the kitchen


IF the kids want to help out in the kitchen over the summer holidays, make sure the first thing they know is the hazards of a hot hob.
That’s the advice from fire chiefs at Warrington who points out that more than half of all accidental fires in the home start in the kitchen.
Head of prevention and protection Keith Brooks said: “Over half of all accidental fires start in the kitchen and its vital that children know what they should do if the worst should happen.
“From bake-offs to barbecues, there are lots of creative ways to teach
kids about cooking fire safety this summer.
“So alongside the melting, mixing and making, why not take the chance to pass on some fire safety knowhow? Test your smoke alarm as part of the activity and remember, never leave a child alone with a hot hob, and help keep them safe by moving matches and saucepan handles out of their reach.”
Distraction while cooking is a main cause of fire call-outs right across the country, says Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service.


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