1,000 protest over policing changes


ALMOST 1,000 people have signed an ongoing petition opposing changes to the policing system in Warrington.
Petition organiser Cllr Chris Vobe (pictured), from Culcheth, says the response to the petition has been “overwhelming.”
The petition calls on Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer to “think again” over the changes which mean police officers and PCSOs have to start and end their shifts at police headquarters in the town centre.
Petitioners believe there will be a lesser police presence on the streets because of the time spent travelling back and to,
Cllr Vobe and fellow Culcheth councillor Matt Smith are now expanding the petition’s reach, by hand-delivering a copy to every house in Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft.
Cllr Vobe said: “The response to our petition to date has been overwhelming with hundreds of Warrington North residents registering their dismay at the changes implemented by the Tory Police
“John Dwyer cannot simply pull the wool over people’s eyes. His politically-motivated restructure is taking PCSOs and police off our streets, as we lose up to two hours of officer time every shift.
“Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft is most profoundly affected by this and the people I represent are outraged – the Tory Commissioner has let our villages down.
“Now, residents in areas such as Birchwood, Rixton, Winwick and Westbrook, who will also be severely impacted, have weighed in behind our objections.
“There is little doubt that John Dwyer does not have public support for his proposals. The fact that he has failed to guarantee the future of Risley Police Station only demonstrates further his contempt for residents in Warrington North.”
Police claim that the use of new technology will enable officers to stay out-and-about on the streets.
Cllr Vobe’s petition can be found at www.warringtonNorthLabour.com.


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