Day care centre for dogs wins approval


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have given the go-ahead for a day care centre for dogs in a warehouse building – despite opposition from the local parish council.
The scheme involves a building on the Taylor Business Park, Risley which can now be adapted to house up 45 dogs.
Members of the borough council’s development management committee heard concerns had been expressed by local councillors Chris Vobe and Matt Smith and by Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council and Croft Parish Council.
Parish councillor Jacqui Johnson (pictured)jacquijohnson.jpgwas concerned at the proximity of the proposed centre to houses in the Newchurch Lane area of Culcheth.
But planning officers said the nearest house was about 250 metres away and recommended the scheme be approved.
They said an environmental protection officer had visited a similar dog care centre run by the applicant in Salford  and was surprised at the low level of noise emanating from the number of dogs present.
However, should complaints arise in the future about barking dogs a notice could be issued to ensure controls were put in place.
There were no objections on Green Belt grounds as there would be no external changes to the building.

Top picture: the building to be converted to a day care centre for dogs.



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