Cheshire sees one of biggest falls in crime


CHESHIRE has recorded one of the biggest falls in crime the UK, according to new figures released by the Office of National Statistics.

The county has achieved the third largest reduction in crime across England and Wales.
Crimes termed as “victim-based” incidents have significantly fallen by nearly 6 per cent, the largest experienced by any of the 43 police forces in England and Wales.
Many of these are acquisitive crimes such as robbery, burglary, theft, shoplifting – all of which have seen marked decreases over 12 months.
However, it is recognised that certain types of crime, such as those involving violence and sexual offences have risen, though this is in part down to the police tightening up how it records these offences and also as victims are increasingly confident in reporting these types of offences.
Assistant chief constable Guy Hindle said: “It is good to see that the hard work put in by Cheshire Constabulary over the past year in recording and investigating incidents is paying dividends and we continue to see some of the lowest levels of crime recorded in modern times – and even more recent figures indicate the trend of reduced crime will continue.
“What is particularly pleasing to see is that the focus we have placed on victims is borne out by these figures – not just the number of victims, but the associated work such as the provision of victim care.”
Cheshire Constabulary recently rolled out a new operating model, which has seen the former 19 Neighbourhood Policing Units (NPUs) merged to create eight Local Policing Units (LPUs). In addition, investment has been made in investigating major crimes, and further resources have been put into the creation of a Public Protection Directorate to further focus on those who are most vulnerable or in need of help in our society.
John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire said: “These are extremely encouraging results for anyone concerned with tackling and preventing crime. It is particularly pleasing to see that this Constabulary has seen the biggest fall in victim-based crime as I have placed victims at the heart of the criminal justice system and focused on ensuring they receive the support they need.
“Cheshire Constabulary continues to take positive steps to keep the public safe and in my role as Commissioner I will ensure that this good work continues.”


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