Warrington will be blooming lovely!


GREEN spaces in Warrington are healthy, tidy and in flower thanks to closer working between residents and the borough council.
Council chiefs have listened to public feedback and has increased weed spraying and grass cutting on major gateways into the borough.
New mowing equipment has been introduced, which means that grass can be cut more efficiently and with a better quality finish, increasing grass cutting to an average of every 2-3 weeks on main gateways.
The council’s streets and environment service has delivered a traditionally high standard of service, but the authority still faces considerable financial challenges.
This means some frequencies of grass cutting will remain the same this year, and there will be no changes to grass cutting frequencies in parks and larger open spaces.
To help improve the area in a more sustainable way, bulb planting on roundabouts and larger grass verges will be continued this year, with more than two million bulbs planted throughout the town during the last two years.
The seeding of verges will continue as part of the council’s “Wildaboutflowers” project with the ground now prepared and ready for seeding.
Warrington has now been seeded with the equivalent of seven football fields of wildflower and ornamental meadow, increasing wildlife and saving money on grass cutting.
Cllr Hans Mundry, the council’s lead member for highways, transportation and public realm said: “It is great to see the grass cutting frequency increase on major routes into the borough this year and just as pleasing to see these gateways brought to life with our bulb planting and annual wildflower displays.
“I would particularly like to thank the council crews who work so hard to grow a strong Warrington and keep the area neat, tidy and in bloom.”
For more information on grass cutting and planting, go to www.warrington.gov.uk/grasscutting
Pictured:  last year’s wild flowers which should be popping up in Warrington again this year.


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