Bridge closures cause traffic chaos


DAY-time closures of the high level Cantilever Bridge over the Manchester Ship Canal has brought traffic chaos to Warrington and Stockton Heath.
The gridlock which ensued could easily have been a foretaste of what will happen if plans to increase shipping on the canal go ahead.
Members of Stockton Heath Parish Council heard that repair work on the bridge had resulted in some closures during the day – bringing road traffic to a standstill when the swing bridges were also “off”.
Chairman Cllr Celia Jordan (pictured) said a lot of shipping was using the canal at the time and the aim was for it to travel through the area at lunchtimes.
But at one time, ships were going through at 4pm and, as a result, road traffic was in chaos.
At one time, a vehicle due to take plant and machinery away from the road works got stuck in the traffic itself – meaning that traffic was unable to use the bridge at all.
“If anything changes the crossings of the canal it makes life very difficult.”
Cllr Peter Walker said traffic in Stockton Heath village had been at “tipping point.”
Chaos was caused by the closure of the Cantilever bridge and any increase in shipping on the canal could only make the situation much worse.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Why were we not told about the daytime closures? It has indeed caused chaos for some miles around and should be flagged up as a warning to those who think that extra closures of the swing bridges won’t cause any significant disruption to traffic. Additionally, the new Runcorn Toll Bridge will probably encourage at least an extra 25% of traffic to go through Warrington. The road system can’t cope with this soall plans should be suspended until proper answers and solutions are provided.

  2. It’s Painful to watch how the councillors and MP’s are absolutely powerless and clueless to stop possibly the biggest combined disaster (Mersey Gateway, and Warringon port) to hit our town in My lifetime.

    the Gateway will bring increased road traffic and the Warrington port will bring increased shipping, which in turn will stop the increased road traffic…..genious….!!

    nothing is being done apart from believing the propoganda from the interested parties that everything is going to be fine, and this can only bring prosperity to the region….

    I also love the fact that these local Councillors are so focused on their own Doorstep and have little care for the TOWN of Warrington, I’m suprised they havent asked for London Road to be Pedestrianised and have all the traffic sent down Chester Road.

  3. Cut them some slack Si. This is quoting Stockton Heath Parish Council and I am sure they are fully aware of the chaos that this causes across Warrington but that is hardly their remit. Even on a good day Stockton Heath gridlocks and they are right to suggest it is at a tipping point.

    I agree with Silverlady that until there is an integrated plan in place, WBC should oppose the toll bridge, port and increased traffic on the ship canal.

  4. Seeing as we are in the EU and we seem to be one of the few that actually are net contributors; why the hell don’t the council try and get some money back to fund a new bridge or two or even better; a new tunnel to go under the bloody canal…… Everywhere you go in Europe there are road schemes paid for by EU grants and subsidies…… we can’t allow these clueless councillors carte blanche to approve all of these crazy gridlocking schemes…………..I notice none have bothered to respond to this thread

  5. stockton heath is just one traffic jam due to the amount of traffic lights, must be nearly 10 sets from the causeway to the mull!! CRAZY this is WBC’S idea of traffic management…. Best just STEER CLEAR!!!!!

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