Party chiefs united by shame


WARRINGTON’S political leaders, in a rare show of unity, have come together to call for tough new measures to combat the type of binge drinking which has recently brought shame on the town.
Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative councillors approved a motion calling on the Government to take urgent action to legislate for a minimum price per unit of alcohol and introduce a multi-faceted approach to reducing the harm caused by alcohol, including education and stricter licensing control.
Cllr Linda Dirir, told the council: “We have to have changes at national level and in view of the awful publicity the town has had, the call for changes should emanate from Warrington.
“The town has been portrayed in a terrible light.”
Councillors were debating “Two Bob Tuesday” – a cut price drinks promotion by a Warrington bar which led to scores of young people being pictured drunk in town centre streets.
One girl was photographed in a drunken slumber, lying in a gutter. A handcuffed youth was pictured being led away by police – and the pictures were seen around the world.
Cllr David Keane, the council’s executive member for public protection, others town suffered similar problems to Warrington. The council had taken action against bars over irresponsible cut-price drink promotions and some had agreed to stop them.
Cllr Keith Gleave said a minimum price policy would not be enough. A review of licensing law was needed, as well as more education for young people.
Alcohol should not be sold as a loss leader.
Cllr Paul Kennedy said alcohol was being sold in supermarkets at well below cost price. This meant it was being subsidised – possibly by healthy foods that everyone needed.
Cheap alcohol had not led to binge drinking in some countries, such as France, which made him worry that the problem was cultural, not financial..
At first it seemed there would be no agreement between the parties. Labour’s motion called for a minimum price and the Liberal Democrat-Conservative amendment for education and stricter controls.
But after a brief adjournment it was agreed to merge the two motions.
The council will also seek the support of the town’s MPs – Helen Jones, Labour and David Mowat, Conservative.
Pictures: Cllr Linda Dirir – and a poster advertising the drinks promotion that brought shame on Warrington.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Perhaps if the previous Labour council hadn’t encouraged the night clubs and late night/all night drinking, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

    Does WBC run the town or the Government?

  2. Stop granting licenses to the cheap booze joints and maybe things would turn for the better and you may start to attract more respectable venues to open in the town centre….

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