Council slammed for unprecedented attack


TOWN Hall bosses at Warrington have unanimously approved a proposal to consult all employees and the trade unions on a wide-ranging review of staff terms and conditions.
But despite pledges from council leader Terry O’Neill and deputy leader Mike Hannon that the authority’s guiding principle would be to avoid compulsory redundancies, the council immediately came under attack from union bosses.
A joint statement issued by the Unison and GMB unions condemned the council for what they described as an unprecedented attack on workers’ terms and conditions.
Cllr Hannon (right) told the executive board he had drawn up a 10-point plan to achieve savings of more than £2 million.
But these were only suggestions and would be subject to consultation during which he hoped staff would come up with other suggestions.
He said: “Having to achieve £2m savings will mean making some unpalatable choices. Let me be clear: we would not be doing this if we didn’t have to. But the bottom line is that we have to deliver the savings or face the prospect of more compulsory redundancies, and our guiding principle has always been to avoid that.
“I will be getting out and about to answer questions from employees and most importantly, hearing from them, before we make any decisions. We recognise that the proposed changes will impact on staff at all levels and that is why we are committed to consulting with our workforce openly and transparently, working to ensure the measures introduced are as fair as possible.”
The consultation will begin on Monday (September 26) and will run until the end of December.
Roadshow events will take place during the next few months at a range of venues across the town for staff to hear more and have their say about the proposed changes. Staff will also be able to send their comments and suggestions by email or using special post boxes where comments can be made anonymously.
The unions said the value the council placed on its employees was shown by the fact that the debate lasted just five minutes and only one question was asked.
Pam Howard, on Unison, said: “Frontline staff who observed the meeting departed from the Town Hall shell-shocked over the deputy leader’s determination to drive through with the attack on staff, with no opposition from board members, who unanimously agreed the report.
“Not only are staff having to deal with yet another year of no increase to pay, to help keep their families’ heads above water in difficult times, they now have to suffer what some members see as a ‘kick in the teeth’ from those who should be supporting and valuing their commitment to the council.”
Jason Horan, also of Unison, said: “Let’s be clear, Cllr Mike Hannon afforded Warrington Borough Council employees five minutes of his time by presenting a report that would see an unprecedented attack on terms and conditions.”
He said it was clear Labour councillors were “toeing the party line” as not one member challenged the content of the report.
He warned that at next May’s local elections, Labour could find itself embroiled in an industrial dispute with employees who had a vote.
The unions had put forward alternative suggestions which appeared to have been ignored.
Bob Pinnock of GMB, said: “It is extremely disappointing that these proposals are being driven by a Labour administration, who appear determined to destroy what is left of staff moral by attacking the terms and conditions of our frontline workforce.”
The two unions say they will be resisting and opposing all Labour’s proposals and reminding their members that they have votes in the local elections


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. The executive board makes decisions – the debates happen elsewhere, as anyone who has ever witnessed a Council meeting would know! I am convinced that this is the last thing any Labour politicians would want to do, but the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. If losing some Ts and Cs saves jobs, what is the complaint? The unions seem to want to do their negotiation in the media, rather than round a table – that’s not the way to get a resolution on behalf of your members! And how many workers do the unions actually represent nowadays?

  2. Are the Unions really suggesting directing their members into voting Lib/Tory in May? Because those parties really have the rights of workers at their heart and would do anything to avoid redundancies and more budget cuts, wouldn’t they?!

  3. I sat in the council chamber on Monday evening. Firstly I thought it was a total disgrace for only one question to be asked but then again not many words are spoken by the Exe Board members – may be deals are done else where?

    Cllr M Hannon said that they were behind on delivery – WHY?

    Why did no Exe Board Member ask where and why are we behind? Cllr Bowden ask one question that was already covered by Cllr Hannon, so he was either put up to ask that question or he switched off??

    Whilst Labour are dithering the pain on staff is harder but also with Labour dithering Warrington is suffering. Oh yes the entire conversation/agenda item lasted 5 mins 21 seconds that’s how much Labour think of Warrington Staff and Warrington as a whole. I would like to make one suggestion – All councillors expenses should go into the melting pot – All expenses must be scrutinised and if no justification or worth to Warrington then they must be refused. I still fail to understand why Cllr O’Neill is allowed to claim for meetings sometime fortnightly in respect to committee meetings of the Coalfield Alliance. Does this body have so much business on its agenda that relates to Warrington to give justification? May be somebody can help me understand this????

  4. Swede says “if losing some T’s and C’s saves jobs, what is the complaint?”

    I’ll tell you what the complaint is. It’s because the very same people who were targeted during the last changes to T’s and C’s in December 09, are being hit again. It is the minority of Council employees who have to work outside the 9 – 5 normal office hours who will suffer the most pain. If you have to work shifts, weekends, or have to be on call, you are going to lose a lot of money. I lost more than £3000 in Dec 09. I stand to lose a further £2000 this time, while many office based staff won’t lose a penny. This is on top of the current 3 year pay freeze.

    It would be much fairer if everybody in the Council had to suffer a little pain, instead of a few suffering huge losses.What would be wrong with everyone, from the Chief Exec down, losing an hours pay per week? Surely that would be fairer!

  5. I agree about the hour deduction – but that was taken off the table by the unions some weeks ago, Miffed! It goes without saying that it should affect all staff and not just a few – that would be the fair way to do things. My reading is that this triggers the START of consultation with staff, so any and all alternative suggestions will hopefully be considered and some kind of agreement can be reached. That is better than playing a whispering game and dealing with the media, isn’t it?

  6. Swede seems to know a lot, has he been a fly on the wall during talks, he might give himself away soon if he’s not careful!!!!!!

    Kevin Reynolds is the only one again to have the guts to say anything, and thats high praise indeed from me, a Labour party member – ex if the disgraceful antics of the labour administration continues. They’ll drive the workforce into the gound – reducing T & C’s will not stop redundancies, it will only affect the services the council provides. Roll on May 2012, when someone else hopefully will be back to sort out the labour mess, do they appreciated how many family members of the staff they are attacking are actually voters in the town???

  7. Why on earth didn’t Cllr Reynolds speak up last year when these proposals were first mooted by the Council? They were written into the LibDem budget which Labour said they would adopt should they take control of the Council after the local elections…come May, two whole months after the start of the financial year, it has become clear that the LibDems did nothing but sit on their hands for the first few months of the financial year. Has he only found his voice now…because the LibDems are no longer running the Council.

  8. Whittle_Wayne – I can assure you that I alway use my voice for example the Labour Prison at Omega – Lib Dems and WRAPP stopped it. Pressure to get Washington Dr and Boston Bvd adopted holding the MOD to account and many more actions with positive outcomes for my ward. Any one can say they attend a meeting or a sign will be put up – its action that you get from Lib Dems we are not lazy because we work all year round for our area and most of all Warrington. You need to ask your Labour friends the question – why have they not delivered on the MTFP? for each day that Labour dither Warrington will suffer. They are deferring decisions and this will have an impact on staff and the Town – It will be Labour who will end up sadly finishing staff up. The UnionS, Lib Dems and Cons had a very good working relationship WITH the unions and I have spoken with Jason Horan about my discussed of the 5 mins 21 secs given to staff on Monday by Labour.

    I invited you to talk to me about your concerns before which you didn’t acknowledge and that offer is there again. Also your comment is very similar to the words spoken on Monday by Cllr Hannon so may be, you also are a fly on the wall. Have you been at any secret meetings????

  9. Yes Swede, this is the START of the consultation period. The unions have already put alternative proposals to save money before the council. These have obviously been rejected and the Management proposal has been accepted. The upshot of this is, the workforce either accepts the new T’s & C’s, or they are sacked and offered their jobs back on the new T’s & C’s. I won’t be holding my breath waiting for the Council to consider ideas put forward by the workforce. I’m no lover of the unions though. They sold a minority of the workforce down the river in Dec 09, when they encouraged the workforce to accept the TRP. The days when the unions wouldn’t let a minority suffer, just to get a better deal for the majority, are long gone unfortunately. The council and the unions both know the workforce won’t put up a fight about changes to T’s & C’s because the majority will not be losing money.

  10. What on Earth are you on about? I merely take the time to READ the stories that have been on here and in the Guardian – taking both sides into account. Maybe you should take the time to read the past stories on this topic – you might learn something!

  11. Cllr Jim Regan…. I can’t comment on whether Labour should or should not have been voted in….that’s how democracy works….

    However… I do want to point out that the word “correct” is spelt with two “Rs”…. oh well, is it any wonder some members of the public think councillors aren’t terribly literate.

  12. I honestly don’t know – let’s hope that they are good to their word and will take on board any suggestions that come from the employees as part of this consultation. It needs to be engaging, credible and worthwhile – leading to a properly negotiated agreement. That isn’t going to happen through the Unions, IMHO

  13. Apologies Jim… I knew you were no longer a Councillor because twice you have put yourself forward for re-election and twice the electorate have rejected you. But I have to confess that I did not realise you had stopped using the title “Cllr” in your WW postings.

  14. More political nonsense and I find all these ‘cross party blame’ comments rather odd as at the beginning of the year we were reading that the Lib Dem leadership was planning to cut jobs and slash £18.2 million from frontline services although they were unwilling to say exactly where of how the cuts would be made. They were accused of not being open and transparent by the Labour lot but then again there was an election looming. It is terrible that some people may be losing their jobs or maybe having changed T&C’s etc etc but unfortunately the ‘Council’ is no different than any other business whereby cuts and savings are needed due growing deficits and the economic climate and instability as a whole. Lets face it people in all walks of life are loosing jobs etc , small and large businesses everywhere are closing down or struggling to stay afloat. Maybe if some of those at the top in the council who don’t really seem to do a great deal for the large salary they receive took pay cuts along with those officers who clearly have no idea what they are doing but can’t be got rid of for whatever reason and also those retired type councillors who are on various committees just because of the generous allowances…. it may free up some money to retain the people who actually do the day to day work and who make a difference. Something clearly needs to be done though as I believe WBC’s wage bill for 2010/11 was a staggering £228 MILLION. How many people do they employ (paid councillors included) and are ‘they’ all really necessary ? Sorry and I do not want to offend any hard working council employees 🙁

  15. Cllr Reynolds – you are such a chancer! You ‘conveniently’ forget that this budget was put together by your lot and was inherited by the Labour bunch just four months ago. Don’t insult people’s intelligence – it serves you little credit. As for being in touch with the people, I presume you have forgotten about your bungled attempt to sell of Walton Hall and Gardens?

  16. The council is going to the dogs – stop looking at the politicians, who at best are useless however are not paid vast amounts of money to drive forward the organisation – The problem lies with the senior management team and their in fighting, until you have a talented and strong management team then the only way is down – too many of the senior team are concerned about empire building and back stabbing rather than the job at hand, absolute disgrace they are as for the Chief Exec, who?!?

  17. Kevin…. There never was a Prison at Omega. It was a scare story made up by the Lib Dems so Jo Crotty could go and point at things and get her photo taken and then try and claim victory for stopping something that was never to be in the first place!!

    Good plot though!

  18. The workforce must feel very much demotivated. It is the hand outs to the CE and her team of 9% that ought to have been, and could have been, stopped by thge new administration. Until that gravy train is stopped then you are going to find it difficult to seek co-operation from the workforce. Hope that the Unions become more realistic and talk to Coun Hannon without any hidden agenda in order to make progress on behalf of the Council Tax Payer.

  19. If the CE and her team want to enjoy the plaudits and rewards of their offices, as they clearly do because they have insisted on their 9% increases, they must face the consequences when things go wrong on their watch.

    They are wrong in believing it is easy to dodge their responsibilities. Because they cannot continue to dodge the consequences of dodging those responsibilities.

    It is not surprising the Ombudsman has been highly critical of the the Council twice this year and on an earlier case, because the mindset of not facing up to responsiility at executive level has permeated downwards. Until those at the top begin, as they must in any responsible organization, to accept full responsibility for their departments’ actions, this borough will continue to be held in contempt by the people of Warrington and the wider public as they were after the Ombudsman’s critical reports this year.

  20. Totally agree. It seems the 9-5 brigade which includes the senior exec get off scott free. I too work shifts which means my partner has to sacrifice her career to work around mine in a low paid job & I have additional nursery expenses. It would be fairer if the non-statutory Bank holiday allowance Council workers get was used to make the savings. Those with 5 years + service already get 30 days (6 weeks) plus how ever many bank hols extra (usually 8 days). Private sector workers don’t get anyware near this & giving up 50% of the allowance (4 days) would generate massive savings that every worker feels, not just the front line

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