Councillor seeks litter volunteers


A BOROUGH councillor at Warrington who goes litter-picking three or four times a week is looking for volunteers to help him expand the activity across his ward.
Cllr Geoff Settle (pictured) believes volunteers would only give one or two 15-minute periods each week – and he will provide litter pickers and advice to anyone who is interested.
Cllr Settle has been litter picking in Enfield Park three or four times a week for the last three months. On the first day he filled four carrier bags, on the second two bags and since then it has been less than a bag.
During the recent by-election campaign in Poulton North he took his litter-picker with him went he went leafleting and met other people doing the same thing in Blackbrook, Longbarn and Cinnamon Brow.
He said: “A number of people have been asking me how they can get involved.
“My thoughts have turned to starting a scheme throughout Poulton North where I will supply litter pickers and advice to those who would like to keep their area tidy.
“I will need to get the scheme vetted and cleared but once I do I envisage that all that people will need is a carrier bag and 15 or so minutes once or twice a week. Boots and gloves may be needed for more sensitive areas”.
Anyone interest in getting involved in the scheme should email Cllr Settle at [email protected] or tel. 07768 542635.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Thanks. It's not that my ward is any better or worse I just got fed up with my dog limping home or eating stuff thrown away! People just throw things to the floor or out of car windows thet don't take it home or use a bin anymore. We live in a throw away society. Hopefully if a few more people follow the examples of others I have met then things will improve

    The wbc litter pickers are doing a good job but inbetween visits the litter louts return, starting the next day!

  2. My wife picked up the litter each and every day from the green in front of our house for 24 years and in all that time, nobody ever thanked her or said well done. A councillor on the other hand picks up some litter and it’s headline news.

    My wife’s rational was that she couldn’t bear to sit looking at the mess left by the kids knowing our green was never ever litter picked (apart from election time because it hosted the voting station). The dilemma was that while Geoff would praise and encourage her activity, such actions ensured the council never needed to do anything to address the root cause of the problem.

    Suggesting that volunteers go round picking up rubbish after others is one sure-fire way of ensuring the problem will never be solved but it will mean more photo opportunities for those playing at politics.

  3. That’s a bit unfair Bill. I take a bag out with me when walking the dog in Black Bear Park where I also know Councillor Celia Jordan does her bit to keep the place tidy. It’s down to all of us to deal with the scumbags who treat their own town as a dustbin. I’ve seen them walk past bins and throw rubbish into hedges in preference so it’s not as if the council doesn’t provide these idiots with bins.

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