Dog rescued from canal


THREE fire appliances were called out to rescue a large dog from the Manchester Ship Canal at Warrington.
The incident was in Thelwall Lane, Latchford and is understood to have started when the dog’s owner called the fire service after the animal fell into the canal.
The frightened dog managed to scramble onto a ledge but was trapped there.
Two fire engines from Warrington and a line-rescue unit from Knutsford were called to the scene. Fire crews also used a boat.
Eventually they managed to persuade the dog to get into the boat and it was returned to its owner – apparently unharmed.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. THREE fully equipped fire crews??? At the end of the day, it’s only a dog. Not worth putting members of the public who might have a real emergency while these crews are busy at risk for. Dart it, fish it out of the water, and send the owner the bill for one vet and one or two blokes with a boat. Oh, and tell the owner to keep the thing under control in future.

  2. I agree with eagle and Inky Pete – presumably the dog wasn’t on a lead – and therefore not under control. I support the RNLI (which is totally funded by public donations and ‘manned’ by volunteers) ,who are frequently called out to rescue dogs that have fallen into the sea, often putting the rescuers at risk. If you have a dog – keep it on a lead!

  3. I’s sure had members of the public been at risk somewhere Inky the crews would have gone there !! Thankfully they obviously didn’t have such incidents to attend so went to help the dog !! And while I’m at it… do you know anyone in Warrington who can dart animals and fish them out o f canals before they drown in their uncincious state. I don’t think the local vets can do it !! Some people can be so heartless at times !

  4. The same can be said for the human idiots who put themselves and the RNLI members lives at risk. such as drunks falling in rivers/canals and the sea and also idiots who have to be rescued in canoes, inflatable dinghies blah blah blah . Maybe these people should be billed and put leads too ! Dogs seem to have more sense that people a lot of the time it would seem 😉

  5. Chester Zoo have vets who can dart animals, so do Knowsley Safari Park. Shouldn’t have been too difficult to rustle up a rowing boat, a boat hook and a couple of blokes while waiting for the vet to arrive. If a real emergency had occurred while these three fire crews were onsite dealing with a dog then there would have been a substantial delay while they decided what they were now going to do about the dog, packed up all their gear and then got moving to the emergency. Especially if the emergency had been over Knutsford way and needed the unit which should have been in Knutsford but wasn’t, because of a dog.

  6. Lot of nonsense being spouted here. The Fire engines quite often turn up to anothers shout, but they are always ready for the next shout, and given that they are knocking night shifts off, a couple of minutes would appear to make no difference whatsoever.

    Also check the stats out. House fires are very rare.

  7. if they are in attendance at the canal they would not respond to a other incident unless they are not required at the current job, yes this would be a concern thats what happend in Gt Sankey, they all went to a barn fire in knutsford left no one in warrington then TWO houses ended up going in smoke whilst a appliances came from runcorn!! when they both could have been saved!!!! Where was Stockton Heath????? Nearer???

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