L-tests in town again soon?


L-DRIVERS will be able to take their driving test in Warrington again soon.
Transport minister Mike Penning as confirmed that the Government wants the Driving Standards Agency, which oversees driving tests, to identify suitable test routes in Warrington and find a venue for a test centre.
The announcement is a personal victory for Warrington South MP David Mowat and borough councillor Paul Campbell, who have both been campaigning for a new test centre in the town.
The former centre was closed down by the last Labour Government despite widespread local opposition.
Mr Mowat said: “Against all the advice of local instructors and local opinion, Labour ploughed ahead with their national closure programme and left Warrington as one of the biggest towns in the country without its own test centre. I’m delighted that Warrington will be leading the way in delivering a local service like this to local learners.
“I’ve been campaigning on this issue for nearly four years and it’s great to see that ministers will take note of MPs willing to stand up for their constituency.”
Cllr Campbell said: “The previous council administration was trying hard to get Driving Test facilities back into the town and so I am thrilled to hear that this hard work has now paid off. Council officers are in the process of shortlisting possible sites that could be used as a base and I will be monitoring the situation closely to make sure that this trial is a success.
“Delivering flexible local services to local people is right at the heart of what this Government is about and I am pleased that we are delivering for Warrington.”
Picture: Cllr Campbell and David Mowat celebrate the good news with local driving instructors


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. About time Warrington got it’s test centre back… well done 🙂 They should never have closed it in the first place against all the advice of those who clearly knew what they were talking about.

  2. Liebour? Condem ? …….officers and committess of both… (of which I’m not interested)….. but Safe to say they all KNOW/KNEW best at one time or another Baz… and equally safe to say they often ALL get/got it wrong and wont/wouldn’t listen to sense and reason 😉

  3. council tax payer on

    Good news! However, what has this all cost in terms of money? We all know that it is very costly to close a place down and then, some time later, reopen it. Just another example locally of the authorities going round in circles and wasting our cash.

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