Planners urged to speed up Omega project


COUNCILLORS at Warrington are to be asked to help speed up planning processes to allow the giant Omega development to go ahead.
An application has been made to vary planning conditions attached to the scheme to ease the way for a phased start on the project.
The application by Omega (Warrington) Ltd – a partnership between Miller Developments, the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Homes and Communities Agency – will go before Warrington Borough Council’s planning committee on Wednesday.
Officers are recommending approval, but Westbrook councillor David Earl has requested it be considered by the committee.
He said: “This is a major employment site and any amendment to the existing conditions could affect a large part of my ward.”
A report to the committee says the proposed revisions to conditions would enable a phased start on the 550-acre site, which straddles the M62 motorway.
“The proposed variations would better differentiate between the north and the south of the site so that – for example – certain requirements would not be triggered by minor works on the southern part of Omega.
“The proposed variations would also phase the requirements for the agreed financial contributions – and so re3duce the initial costs – thereby significantly improving the viability of the development.
“The variations would remove a potential bar to the start of development on the part of Omega to the north of the M62 by making it clear that certain mitigation measures are needed only when development starts on the southern part of the site.
“This was in fact the intention of the conditions attached to the outline permissions and variation now would merely clarify matters in this regard.”
The original vision for Omega – drawn up about 24 years ago – was for a £1 billion development providing up to 24,000 new jobs.
But the recession has meant the scheme has never got off the ground.
Over the years various ideas have been floated, including building a giant prison on the site, using it for an incinerator and changing the use of part of the site to enable housing to be built.
Pictured: an artist’s impression of the original Omega proposal


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. It’s due to be considered on Wednesday and the story has only been reported today? Is that not short notice for sending objections/comments? Any developments on a site as big as the Omega site will ultimately affect the whole of Warrington, Cllr Earl is right it should go before the committee.

  2. Wont make any difference. The Council don’t have any urgency with this matter. I understand that as far back as 1989 the Japanese were looking for a site for a car factory, that eventually went to Sunderland, and visited the town. What a coup that would have been bringing employment to the area. However, the people who could make the decisions failed to turn up to meet the delegation. How good is that. Can we be told how much employment will be generated and in what industries? Just hearing about this report on a Tuesday before a decision is to be made on a Wednesday is certainly not democratic. Can the new Council tell us why the sudden rush?

  3. Until we know exactly what ‘the thing’ is no long term decisions should be made! ‘council tax payer’ questions “Can we be told how much employment will be generated and in what industries?” This is a crucial question. Employment opportunities are needed primarily for the residents of Warrington. At present circa 50% of Warrington people travel outside Warrington to work ( these are mainly people who work in higher paid employment) Whilst circa 50% of those working in Warrington travel in from other areas ( these are mainly people who work in lower skilled and lower paid employment). The present unbalance in job opportunities in Warrington is the main cause of the horrendous congestion/ pollution traffic problems we have. It also worsens the housing problem. Many people from out of the area, once they have secured a job here then look for accomodation here and thus the need for lower priced homes or social housing ever increases. The Lib/Con administration’s ‘visionary’ plans for mass development of ‘aspirational’ (expensive) homes whilst planning to develop industries which provide low skilled low paid employment was a nightmare in the making. I hope the new Labour administration will re-assess the situation in favour of more balanced, more sustainable long term plans.

  4. It is not the council who are trying to rush this through, – the application was submitted by Omega (Warrington) Ltd – a partnership between Miller Developments, the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Homes and Communities Agency.

    It would be the planning dept who have decided that this application doesn’t warrant consideration by the full development control committee. It will now be up to the councillors on Wednesday’s committee to decide whether to make a decision on the proposals or whether to recommend that the matter goes before the full committee.

    The fact that such an important decision was not scheduled for the full committee in the first place is something that should be of some concern. If anything should be rushed through perhaps it should be the inquiry into the planning dept.

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