Council clamps down on noisy neighbour


BOROUGH council noise enforcement officers, accompanied by police, seized a television, hi-fi and DVD players from a flat at Warrington.
The action, at Chapelford, was taken after the occupant repeatedly breached a noise abatement notice served by the council.
The equipment will be stored for 28 days at a secure location, after which time the owner can collect it on showing proof of identity.
Further breaches of the notice may result in prosecution, with fines of up to £5,000, and permanent confiscation of the equipment.
Cllr David Keane (pictured), the borough council’s executive member for environment and public protection said: “The occupant of this property repeatedly caused a noise nuisance to neighbours with loud music at unsociable hours. Despite numerous attempts by officers of the council to resolve this issue, the noise continued and action to seize the equipment had to be taken.
“Warrington’s residents do not need to put up with loud music night after night. Tackling anti-social behaviour of this kind is one of our top priorities as a council.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Rather than store it securely for 28 days then simply give it back on proof of identity… they should make him pay to get it back even if it’ s only £100. Might make him or others think twice in future when they decided to continually ignore requests by the officers ! Personally though I would have given them to a charity or needy family but of course you can’t do that can you as you’d probably get done for theft or sued for some bizare human rights twaddle 🙁

  2. I am owner of a private property living next to a tenant of Golden Gates. I wish that it was music that was the problem but its the worst kind of anti-social behaviour, swearing, domestic violence at all times of the day and night (last night it went on till 2 in the morning) . I have a young family with a child of 2 years old who is starting to re-inact this by saying things like ‘ bang again neighbors’, ‘fighting’, etc. not to mention the times when he crowls into our bed at night because he is to scared to sleep in his own cot. I have made official complaints to the Warrington Council, Golden Gates, filled out diaries, called the police time and time again, but I feel its all on deaf ear. I have yet to date have not received any feedback especially from Golden Gates who are responsible for putting these people in a neighbourhood that have great people living in (all be it in fear, and on edge due to these people who have no respect for anyone especially themselve).

    As I write this , they are kicking off again over a welfare cheque, and the lady of the house has chased her partner out as he ran off , while her 7 year old daughter is crying. I called the police who arrived within minutes but damage has already been done and there is silence again ,but not for long as I have seen this pattern time and time again.

    I sound like I am ranting on , but it got to a point where my wife, young boy and I just feel we cannot live in our own home. Where is the justice in this .

    Can anybody who reads this suggest other avenues of action as I am at my wits end (Cllr David Keane)?

  3. H. Yalcin. I feel so sorry for you. I have come across this story whilst searching for info on what to do about nuisance noise from neighbours. We are being tormented by our selfish next door neighbours leaving their dogs outside to bark all day. It’s been going on this morning since 7.30am. It’s so wrong that selfish, horrible people like this can have such a negative impact on the lives of decent people trying to live alongside them.

  4. Thanks for the kind words Minnie. The main purpose of making my original comments is to see if I would get any feedback/advice from the authorities that could do something about my problem, but it looks like they are busy confuscating some musically equipment so I might have to wait another six months before they put another obsticle in the way rather then actually making a stand and tackling such AS behaviour.

    Well I am no scared retiree, who keep their suffering to themselves like the occupants in the houses surrounding this particular property and the fight for some ‘justice’ will carry on until my hard .earned tax dollars runs out

  5. To people having to live with neighbour nuisance this would be a top priority! Didn’t you read the comments by H. Yalcin? Why should anyone have to put up with that?

    I really hope some down to earth ‘quality of life’ issues are high on the new council’s agenda, it would make a refreshing change from the airy-fairy ego fanning visions of ‘growth and greatness’ of the last LibCon council!

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