Council still a coalition claim


WARRINGTON Borough Council will still be run by a “coalition” after its annual meeting next week – a coalition of two warring Labour groups.
This was the claim made today by a party insider following the appointment of the new executive board.
The split, it was claimed, arose from the way the executive was appointed rather than elected.
Some councillors are angry because they believe a lot of talented people were overlooked when cabinet jobs were handed out.
But Labour leader Terry O’Neill (pictured) dismissed the claim as “a storm in a teacup.”
He said: “This is just someone on the outside trying to cause trouble.
“The executive board has always been appointed, in as much as there are not votes for individual members.
“A recommendation on membership of the board was put to the Labour executive and there was an amendment suggesting there should be a vote on individual members. This was defeated and the original recommendation was approved.
“I am quite comfortable with the way the executive was chosen. The Labour group is completely united.”
Cllr O’Neill said one of his main aims would be to make sure the council was open and transparent in everything it did.
The annual meeting will take place on Monday and Cllr O’Neill is expected to be confirmed as leader of the council, with Cllr Mike Hannon as his deputy.
Eight other members of the executive will also be confirmed – including former council finance chief Cllr Peter Carey.
New Mayor Cllr Mike Biggin will also be installed in office, with Cllr Steve Wright as his deputy.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. What a pathetic story – fed by someone who is having a boo-hoo at not getting a job perhaps? I hope that Labour are getting on with what the people of this town want them to do – run the Council!

  2. Agreed… but I did find it a bit odd that out of the 8 appointed labour executive members 4 of them had those positions when Labour lost control of the council 5 years ago…. just hope the same ones don’t make the same cockups as last time 🙂 Some new faces at the top would have been nice though

  3. Council Tax Payer on

    Same old story. The problem is the way the Council is set up an run. It’s altogether too autocratic and means that many elected members are left out of decision making. There is widespread support countrywide for an early return to the Committee System of governance which a very inclusive way to decision making. Having said that the Labour Group should not be quarelling amonst itself as there are many things to be sorted out from the last administration. The Public want to know what the priorities are and how they are to be implemented. Will the Public be told and when?

  4. It was quite interesting this [local] election time because for a change when I spoke to the local Labour Party candidate who knocked on my door I specifically asked them “Why should I vote for you lot” and to my surprise, rather than them criticise the incumbant LibDem councillor or the coalition government, they said they would Email me a link to their local “manifesto”, which when I printed off only comes to one side of A4 but it clearly stated what they would do if I voted for them. I have to say I thought, “yeh… I’ll vote for you guys and now lets see if you deliver”. It made a change not having to read a leaflet about dog crap or potholes filled in last year or litter. Anyway, here’s the link . I guess this is what we can all judge them on.

  5. If the “party insider” who’s making these claims isn’t prepared to be identified, then why should we listen to anything he or she has to say?

  6. Good point Inky….. clearly an ‘insider’ who is not a happy bunny about either not landing a well paid position him/herself or one just out to cause some ill feeling etc.

    HOWEVER… the report does not specifically say that the ‘insider’ was a Labour bod.. so the person who spilt the alleged beans could have been an Con or Dem ‘insider’ and Cllr Oneil does refer to the person as someone on the ‘outside’. HOW do they actually decide who gets what position and WHO decides it ? Again I am not that bothered as long as they do deliver but tittle tattle really gets on my nerves and I hope we wont be seeing any more of it from all sides from now on.. time to move on and be pro-active together as a team eh chaps and chap’esses 🙂 and THAT TEAM INCLUDES THE PUBLIC/RESIDENTS TOO… please don’t forget 🙂

  7. Do you not think that if it had been a Con or a Dem then O’Neill would have taken great delight in naming “the insider”……it will be a disgruntled Labour councillor.

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