Incinerator plan hoax


HOAX posters have appeared in Warrington purporting to show details a plan for an incinerator at the giant Arpley Landfill site.
They were placed on lamp posts in Old Liverpool Road, near to the entrance to the site, and claimed an application was being made for an energy and from waste facility for the combustion of non-hazardous waste and the recovery of energy.
The posters claim full details of the plans can be viewed on the internet – and give details of the web address.
Local environmental campaigner John Mulhall alerted the borough council after his suspicions were aroused by the posters.
As a result, Andy Farrall, (pictured) the council’s executive director of environment and regeneration has issued a statement.
He said: “It has been brought to our attention that a number of notices appearing to relate to development and applications for planning permission have been displayed in some parts of the Warrington area.
“Though these look professional they have nothing to do with Warrington Borough Council.
“The signs direct people to a website with false information about plans relating to Arpley landfill site amongst other sites in Warrington. The content of this website is not connected to the council either.”
Mr Mulhall said: “I was suspicious as soon as I saw the notices as they are so high up on lamp posts that it is almost impossible to read them.
“I also realised some of the information was wrong so I tore down one of the posters and contacted the council.”
The posters bear an official looking logo including the words: “Arpley: A green heart with a blue spine.”
Visitors to the website see pictures of an incinerator emitting fumes, a massive new bridge, allegedly to be built over the Mersey and details of a plan to close Warrington Bridge to all but pedestrian and cycle traffic on the first Friday of each month.
There are also details of a plan to convert part of the landfill site to an amusement park.
Mr Mulhall said: “The notices are quite ridiculous, but they have alarmed some people who thought they were genuine.
“I think it is now up to Warrington Borough Council to track down whoever is responsible.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Thanks for pointing us in the direction of the website… do you have no sense of humour Mr Mullhall as I’ve just had a look on the website and it’s rather amusing and tongue in cheek. Anyone going to the website would realise that and it’s obvious that is’s not connected to the council durh 🙂 Suprised the council commented though as pink smoke, neon bridges and grass toboganing sounds like a good idea ha ha. Whoever has ‘masterminded it’ as you put is clearly just pointing out the various plans that the council have that local residents do not particularly want ie extension to Arpley…. the new mersey bridge and tolls… and gullivers theme park extension and loss of Sankey Valley Park etc… in a non direct and humerous way. I like their style and it’s made me giggle anyway 🙂 Wonder if Mr Farrell giggled too really…. mmm probably not eh just like you 🙁 You both make it sound far worse than it actually is now I’ve seen it for myslef

  2. Dizzy, Read the news article properly. What you fail to understand is that the notices taped to the lamp posts seemed real and possibly over 80% of people are not on the internet, therefore beleaving it was a real planning application. i do not take your comments seriously and note that i have been monitoring arpley landfill site for over 20 years.

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