Walton estate's vision for the future


TOWN Hall chiefs have agreed to support a vision for the future of Warrington’s Wall Hall Estate produced by advisory group set up in the wake of last year’s row over controversial proposals to hand the hall over to a hotel group.
The borough council’s executive board has also agreed to provide £250,000-a-year towards the cost of developing the estate – subject to a full business case being produced and approved.
Councillors have authorised officers to prepare this business case and to draw up proposals for a future management structure and marketing campaign.
Cllr Yousuf Shaikh, chairman of the advisory group and also of Walton Parish Council presented the group’s vision to the executive board.
He said the proposals had strong, cross-party support and the public could have some confidence in the eventual outcome.
But the work of the advisory group had now finished and it would be dissolved.
The proposals envisage three interconnecting facilities.
The golf centre would be the commercial area, with scope for a golf academy, licensed bar and meals, accommodation and retail/leisure development of associated buildings such as the golf club building, its annexe and the old riding centre.
Walton Hall and Gardens would remain as the people’s park, with an improved café and better used hall. This would aim to increase revenue without impinging on its tranquil setting.
A biodiversity and learning centre would encompass the children’s zoo, expanded to include a land-based training academy offering people of all ages the chance to learn more about the environment.
New interconnecting paths between the golf centre and Walton Gardens would encourage visitors to circulate and take advantage of the wider range of facilities, attracting new visitors and increasing the revenue potential of the entire estate.
Cllr Alan Litton, executive member for environment and transport, said the advisory group had met for two hours every fortnight and had produced an excellent, comprehensive report.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. “Councillors have authorised officers to prepare this business case and to draw up proposals for a future management structure and marketing campaign”.

    No public access to the hall, no plans to restore the glasshouse, increased commercialisation, wedding costs increased to a level many can longer afford etc. etc………..not much different to the previous plans then!!!. Why are they spending more money preparing and marketing THIS business case……which the public may not want? What happened to their promises of a full open and transparent public consultation? So far it’s only been meetings behind closed doors…and the way forward decided! Typical of the way this council operates! Note the funding is ‘subject to approval’, which (after the elections) may or may not be given! Previous actions by Marks & Co haven’t exactly been the type to inspire trust have they?

  2. There were chances for everyone that wanted to be involved to join one of the supporters groups and take part in the consultations. The public had their chance to comment previously and all the feedback led to the present situation. This has a good chance of going ahead because the public DO want it.

  3. WBC is watching you on

    There would be nothing to stop you from putting forward your fully worked and costed proposal. The advisory group report could povide a basis for you to work from. Might I suggest that restoring the glasshouse would be a total waste of public money, it’s not a Sefton Park glasshouse you know. It is a dangerous eyesore, sadly way beyond redemption, that needs removing ASAP.

  4. And I am watching WBC! and have been for a while, which is why I can easily recognize that this is nothing other than a scam! A mere pretence that WBC is interested in saving our heritage using similar tactics that were used re Bewsey Old Hall etc etc otherwise it wouldn’t have been set up to fail. You say “There would be nothing to stop you from putting forward your fully worked and costed proposal.” Really? and would that have been possible without the clear and TRUE facts of the present state of affairs as a starting point? Facts, which have been withheld from the public who were, along with the press not allowed into the WEAG meetings. You suggest that “The advisory group report could povide a basis for you (me) to work from.” The only ethical base to work from would be from the opinions of the people of Warrington….which haven’t been ascertained yet as there has not been a FULL, OPEN, HONEST AND TRANSPARENT PUBLIC CONSULTATION. The public have been misled from the outset on the true state of affairs, having been told that the estate was running at a loss of over £400,000 a year would obviously have influenced their opinions/ comments, so due to the misleading information even the responses to the poorly advertised, badly executed questionnaire must now be disregarded. If you should furnish me or any other member of the public with the FULL AND TRUE FACTS I’m sure most people could produce a better worked and costed proposal than one that could be produced by someone whose mathematical skills are so bad that they could make a FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND POUND error!

  5. Silverlady, the ‘consultations’ were held behind closed doors and the questionnaire was neither well advertised nor accessible, it was also conducted after the public had been mislead……..it would thus be regarded as unfit for purpose.

  6. “There would be nothing to stop you from putting forward your fully worked and costed proposal”….. excellent, I’ll start work on it straight away, please send me you purchase order number. my rates are £450 per day I estimate about 3 weeks work. look forward to hearing from you. or do the tax payers already pay you guys to do this on our behalf???

  7. the link you have given returns a reply of……….. “404 – File or directory not found.

    The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable” !?!

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