Overnight nursery plan to go ahead


PLANS to convert redundant farm buildings into a children’s nursery have been approved by Warrington’s planning committee – after councillors heard it would include overnight accommodation for the children of shiftworkers.
Committee members overturned a recommendation by officers that the scheme be refused because its users would rely on car travel as the main means of transport.
Officers argued that this would conflict with the borough council’s sustainable transport priorities.
The proposed nursery will be at Four Topped Oak Farm, in Farnworth Road, Cuerdley.
It will cater for up to 50 children during the day, with overnight accommodation for up to eight children on the first floor.
The committee was told the idea of a nursery providing overnight accommodation was fairly unique.
It would cater for the children of shiftworkers such as nurses and firefighters.
The scheme had the backing of borough councillor Paul Campbell (pictured) who told the committee that new businesses should be encouraged in the current economic climate.
He said the site was not in a built-up area, had no parking problems and was accessible by bus as well.
Officers agreed that the plan would contribute to the local economy in terms of jobs and would make use of two existing redundant barns, but said the likely harm caused by an “undue reliance” on car travel would outweigh the benefits.
In addition, there was no clear evidence of a need for a nursery in the area.
But the committee decided the scheme could go ahead.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Can someone explain why any parent would want to leave their toddler overnight anywhere other than with themselves or immediate family?

    Is it any wonder that society is so mixed up these days when parents play pass the parcel with their child?

  2. Consumers increasingly demand access to products and services on a 24×7 basis. That means more and more people have to work through the night to satisfy that demand. Very few people would CHOOSE to work nights, but if the job on offer involves shift work then that’s what you take. I’d applaud any parent who takes a night shift job over one who just sits back on benefits and expects the taxpayer to pay their way.

  3. I’m inclined to agree with Silver Surfer on this. Children should be looked after by parents or close family and if that means a drop in income for a while then I believe that is worth it. That’s what we did and we weren’t entitled to any benefits and didn’t use credit cards. You just do without or buy whatever you can afford or save for.

  4. I suppose it’s a bit ironic that we have two reports on WWW today. One is about a new nursery being set up whilst the other is about Westy closing.

    I wonder what the chances are of any of the staff or children from Westy making the transition to Cuerdley?

  5. I agree with Silver Surfer and silverlady54 on this, it’s not in the interests of any child to be farmed out overnight to teams of carers. If the parent/s work at night then they will inevitably sleep in the day, so they will be looked after by others then also. What’s the point in people having children if they aren’t prepared to look after them / spend time with them?

  6. wonga

    when you want somebody to look after you or a member of your family when on ITC intensive care would you be bothered who was looking after my children. In an ideal world we would all like to work 9-5 great but some of us have to be around 24/7 for the people who need us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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