Storm over bank's closure decision


A STORM has broken over a bank’s decision to close two days a week.
The Nat West bank at Lymm is to close on Wednesdays and Thursdays from September.
Angry traders say the bank’s decision could have a serious impact on footfall in the village, as well as causing tremendous inconvenience for cash businesses and other customers.
Phil Sexton, chairman of the village traders’ association said: “Nat West are basically saying to all our customers: ‘We don’t want you to come to Lymm on Wednesdays and Thursdays – go to Stockton Heath instead.”
Shopkeepers in Lymm have been expressing concern about the number of people shopping in the village for some years.
They fought a lengthy battle to get pay-and-display parking – a move they believe has helped arrest the decline in footfall.
There was also concern when a Somerfield supermarket closed to be replaced by a Spar shop – a change which other shopkeepers believed drove more shoppers away.
Mr Sexton said some businesses might not be too worried about the bank closing because most of their transactions were processed by card or online.
But the implications for footfall on Wednesdays and Thursday were serious.
There could also be an effect on the other days of the week when a reduced staff was already struggling to cope.
“Having to serve all their customers in almost half-the-time suggests it will be double the wait – and its not unusual to be there 15 minutes now! “
Mr Sexton is recommending his members to “vote with their feet” by switching to a bank that will support Lymm.
“I am moving my account and have been amazed at how uncompetitive Nat West have become. We will save in excess of £4,000-a-year.”
He added: “I tried to reverse Nat West’s decision but unfortunately they won’t reconsider, so there is no alternative but to support a bank that supports Lymm.”
A Nat West customer said: “I shall write to the bank but this will make no difference I am sure.
“Do banks appreciate that this is not just about closing a couple of days/ disruption to some of their ‘valued’ customers, but may deny trade to the other businesses on those days? Do they really think beyond bonuses/profit or is this a management strategy that has been taken with no real thought for the impact it can have on local people?”
Coun Sheila Woodyatt said: “I agree with the traders that this decision could have a serious impact on footfall in the village. “
A spokesman for Nat West said the Lymm branch offered only part time banking, between 10am and 3pm and that transactions had fallen over the last few years – particularly on Wednesdays and Thursdays. There would be no redundancies as a result.
He added: “The decision to reduce hours at Lymm branch was not taken lightly, but is a response to falling customer demand at the branch. Any customers needing to visit a branch outside the revised hours can do so at the Stockton Heath or Warrington branches. ATM facilities and a night safe remain available at the Lymm branch outside the revised hours. Customers also have 24-hour access to our telephone and online banking services.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Having to travel by car/bus to Stockton Heath or Warrington to use alternative branches of the Nat West is ridiculous. I would imagine that most people people living or trading in Lymm will change to another bank for ease. However, if Mr Sexton is right and switching banks can save him £4k a year then the closure may have done him and others a massive favour 🙂 Infact maybe everyone should switch from the Nat West if that is the case.

  2. So the Chairman of the Traders Association has been with a bank that has been ripping him off to the tune of four grand a year, not very aware is he? I hope the other traders haven’t banked with Nat West due to following his lead.

  3. So what is Mr Sextons business turnover to be paying £4000 a year in bank charges ? May be it is his company that is ripping off the locals of Lymm ?

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