Councillors attacked over closed shop


AN angry councillor has accused colleagues of operating a “closed shop” policy.
Long-standing members of Stockton Heath Parish Council were attacked over their approach to filling the posts of chairman and deputy chairman.
Conservative councillor Stephen Taylor said he lobbied nine members of the council about his plans in May to stand as deputy chairman.
Despite all indicating they would support him, he was beaten by Liberal Democrat Coun Celia Jordan, who was voted in by seven votes to two. Only councillors Sonia Boggan and Robin Wilson supported him.
Coun Taylor said he was disappointed that Coun Jordan stood for office as she knew of his intentions and had agreed “not to stand in his way.”
In an email to the parish council Coun Taylor said he was disappointed in the change of support.
He wrote: “Because of the manner in which this had been brought about, and in particular having spoken with Coun Jordan on the matter, who then decided to stand in opposition to my appointment, I do feel very let down, particularly after I have made great strides to ensure that feelings about past battles undertaken before I joined the parish council were not brought into play in council business.”
He told members he cared greatly about residents and the parish and saw the action as an “opportunity missed” to develop newer members to take on leadership and share the burden of responsibility.
Coun Jordan told the council she was aware that Coun Taylor was planning to stand, but had not promised to support him.
Coun Wendy Emsley said she had not been approached by him.
After the meeting Coun Taylor said some of those who had said they would support him had not been present but others had voted with the majority. He found this “bewildering and strange.”
He could only assume it was a deliberate ploy to ensure the roles of chairman and deputy chairman stayed firmly in the hands of an “inner circle.”
Other parish councils in the area rotated the roles in a more fair and equitable way.
“I am energetic and keen to serve the residents of Stockton Heath, and would have brought a new dimension to the role. We, as councillors, need to engage more with borough council officers to get things done, rather than relying upon the clerk,” he added.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. “I’m going to tell my mum of you”… Spitting his dummy Cllr Stephen Taylor sulks in the corner over not getting what he wanted. But to be fair he is battling the “Inner Circle” weith their special handshakes and strange rituals.

  2. Caring, Sharing types on

    Councillor Taylor. What are you going to do to serve the residents of Stockton Heath?

    What are you going to do about Walton Gardens and the Executive meeting on Monday?

    Make a name for yourself, and then maybe you’ll do better next time.

  3. Stephen Taylor Parish Councillor on

    I think Richiepooh and Caring have this all wrong. I am not spitting my dummy out, far from it; it was the way that the so called democratic process was carried out, and the call to party lines that occured to block my election. I am relieved to be free from the shackles of chairmanship. It leaves me free to campaign either with the PC or without it if needs be. I have supported several campaigns since I joined the PC, and also prior to that, and I am tired of being stitched up by the political infighting on the council, and the officers have too much power. It is about time the elected members took charge again. I went along to the exec meeting, and if either of you think from where I sit, that I can influence this lot, then think again. It is all very well saying to me, sort this out and sort that out, the truth is that we need a sea change in the town hall politics, we need people who are prepared to listen and lead. To do this, you have to elect different people and stop returning the same old nere-do-wells. The current attitudes can only be broken by the ballot box, and people like me can only really infulence this change from within. Anyhow, I am supportive of the Save the Gardens campaign and I want to see a satisfactory solution to this matter. If people in stockton heath elect me, it will be another ally on the inside, rather than more of the same. Stop being done to, be part of doing something. We need toilets, greenspace, better car parking, traffic flow and more; I have already made my stance clear on these things, making this work for you as a parish councillor is nigh on impossible, I would have more chance as a resident!

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