Health centre's inadequate travel plan


THE long-awaited plan to demolish Warrington Baths to make way for a major new town centre primary health care centre goes before borough council development control chiefs tomorrow (Wednesday) – with a “wholly inadequate” travel plan.
Two objections have been received – one from the Crown and County Court building – and the other from a business in Legh Street.
They express fears over traffic dangers, increased noise, parking problems, loss of privacy and security and overlooking concerns relating to the operation of the courts.
But officers are recommending the scheme be approved despite further concerns expressed by the travel plan co-ordinator who says the travel plan submitted with the application is “wholly inadequate and requires a complete rethink by the developer.”
They say it appears it is not going to be possible to agree an effective travel plan before “decision deadline” and suggest that a condition be imposed that building work cannot start until a travel plan has been submitted and approved.
The planning application has been submitted by Warrington-based Renova Developments, who specialise in providing primary care and community facilities.
Although the Baths building is not listed as being of architectural importance, it is attached to the Drill Hall, which is in turn attached to the Grade 1 listed Town Hall annexe and, as a result, the plan will require Listed Building Consent.
The plan involves an L-shaped, flat-roofed building of five and three storeys, fronting onto Legh Street and Bath Street with parking accessed from Legh Street. It will consist of a health centre and pharmacy and will replace the existing Garven Place clinic.
Warrington Baths date from 1866 but have been closed and in a deteriorating condition for several years.
The proposed development has been made possible through a “land swap” between the borough council, which owns the baths site, and Warrington Primary Care Trust, which owns Garven Place clinic.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.



    History cannot be re-created, improvements or progress can be made anywhere. this is why we use scissors as a tool rather than cutting our fingers off and replacing them as blades, once done, lost forever.

    can somone explain why this health center can not be made accross the road from the town hall, by knocking down that 60’s style prefab unused building that used to be the old job center, been stood empty for twenty plus years now. As I walk around that area seems to me that is the building that most discredits warringtons skyline..

    and yes…stagecoaches would be lovely for local journeys and would progress saving the environment no end…!

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