Town will bounce back after recession


WARRINGTON can be confident of “bouncing back” at the end of the recession, a regeneration chief has predicted.
Carsten Kressel, chief executive of Warrington and Co – the successor of regeneration group Warrington 2000 Plus – says the town continues to compete strongly at the national level, leaving behind regional competitors.
Mr Kressel (pictured) was commenting on the results of a survey – first reported by warrington-worldwide last month – which shows the town is the eighth most popular office location for business services sector companies in the country.
The survey was carried out by, which receives thousands of enquiries every month from companies across the country and from abroad.
It shows Warrington beats Manchester, Liverpool and numerous towns in the south, and south east as a location for offices for the businesses services sector.
These include a wide range of companies including telecoms, energy and risk assessment, property marketing, productivity solutions, design, print and publishing, project management and direct marketing agencies.
Birmingham – known as the “city of a thousand trades” – takes pole position as the most popular location for business service firms, largely because of its central location.
But Warrington is the prime location in the North West. – largely due to its rail and motorway links and its proximity to Manchester and Liverpool airports.
Even the Manchester Ship Canal is seen as a plus point for Warrington.
The survey confirms the view of the Warrington Annual Property Review, published in May, which showed the town commercial property market was bucking national trends.
Warrington’s office market recorded the second highest number of deals of more than 200 sq m since 1997. By the end of 2008, total office space take-up had increased by 20 per cent from the 2007 level to reach 270,560 sq ft.
Mr Kressel said: “Warrington continues to compete strongly at the national level, leaving behind any regional competitors.
“This demonstrates the strength of Warrington as a first-rate location for knowledge-based businesses and confirms its position as the eighth most prosperous place in the country. “Looking forward, it makes us confident of a strong private sector-led recovery at the end of the current downturn.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. Are these the same people who allowed bridge street to turn into a business ghost town? the people who give the go ahead to huge megastores with free parking then the suffocate the local business and diversity of warrington shopping by blocking the passing trades with double yellow lines on once thriving shooping areas such as orford lane and stocton heath ? The people who put town center business rates so high that only corporates can open up making warrington into a UK clone shopping town..same shops, same brands as every other town in the area ? I look forward to the multichain clones and pubs fit for making reality tv shall I….Warringtons photos of the past are popular…I wonder why…maybe we would like it to go back that way, because the people of warrington are not happy to hear that the recesion will be recovered, because thats just more money GOING OUT OF WARRINGTON and into the corporates and american owned superstores…what we want ..and before I finish my rant… many people claim that towns will survive a recesion…well durgh! every town will survive a recesion, all will bounce back…but will the indiviuals ?

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