Parr Hall refurb gets the go-ahead


WARRINGTON’S Parr Hall is set for a cash injection of £1.2 million to enable it to become a more modern cultural venue for the North West.
The borough council’s executive board went behind closed doors to discuss refurbishment proposals – and then gave the green light to borrow the money for the work to be carried out.
But a question mark still hangs over the future of the historic Cavaille-Coll organ which has been in the hall for more than 80 years.
Councillors agreed to have further consultations with users – in particular Warrington Male Voice Choir.
Coun Roy Smith said: “We fully appreciate that there is strong feeling in some quarters about the future of the Cavaille-Coll organ and with this in mind we decided that it was only right to carry out further consultation about its future.”
Council leader Ian Marks (pictured) added: “No-one wants to get rid of the organ. But it is not being properly looked after in its present location. It could easily get damaged when the hall is being used for other purposes.
“It is hardly ever played – and when it is there are very few people in the audience.
“An organ like this needs to be played, just as a car needs to be driven. The constant changes of temperature in the Parr Hall do not suit it.
“I understand if the organ was removed it would increase floor space on the stage by about 50 per cent.
“But we do understand that some people have strong feelings about it so we are going to have more consultation. One possibility is that we could get a replacement organ, more suitable for the hall.
“We have had an excellent offer from Sheffield Cathedral, who are very keen to have it. There it would be well maintained and played regularly.”
Councillors say the Parr Hall is still a popular venue.
The plan is to build on its success and create a commercially managed, community centred resource and increase participation in theatre, concert and creative arts activities.
Refurbishment of the entrance foyer, changing room facilities, ground floor bar and corridors, upgrading of the stage and replacement seating are all included in the plans which will provide for a modern, comfortable, attractive venue.
Coun Smith added: “Parr Hall represents a major element in Warrington’s cultural heritage and this project will help provide a modern, attractive venue for people to enjoy a wide range of performance and theatre based productions and activities.”
The refurbishment works will take place over two years to minimise disruption to the events programme with the bulk of the works taking place during the summer months.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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