Fury as floods hit estate again


A FURIOUS councillor is demanding urgent action after a Warrington housing estate was flooded for the second time in two months.
Coun Mike Hannon wants an urgent meeting set up between the borough council, United Utilities and the Environment Agency to solve problems experienced by residents of Densham Avenue, Longford.
Floodwater – including raw sewage – swamped roads and gardens early on Sunday morning following heavy rain during the night.
Coun Hannon, who received numerous ‘phone calls from worried residents as the water rose, spent nearly six hours at the scene, trying to reassure householders.
Officials from Golden Gates Housing – the council’s housing management arm – were also at the scene.
But despite calls from the councillor and residents, no-one from either United Utilities or the Environment Agency turned up, claim Coun Hannon.
He said: “Enough is enough. There has been a flooding problem in Densham Avenue for 20 years, but it used to be the sort of thing that happened perhaps once a year. Now we have had five or six alarms this year – two within the space of two months.
“I’m fed up with hearing excuses. I want action taken to solve the problem.
“Residents are living in fear all the time.
“We’ve been told it is because of high tides on the Mersey and the inadequacy of the Longford pumping station. I’ve heard plenty of excuses and explanations.
“But if it was a high tide, why didn’t the water start to go down when the tide went out?
“There is clearly some problem – a blocking in the drains or something – that is causing the trouble.”
Fortunately, Sunday’s flood were not as bad as in September when several houses were inundated, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.
But the floodwater came within a few feet of houses – and gardens were ruined.
Coun Hannon said sandbags were taken to the area – but only late in the day.
“These are known hotspots – there should be sandbags there all the time in readiness.
“The residents went out and put up ‘road closed’ signs and traffic cones to stop cars travelling down the road.
“The trouble is that motorists don’t realise it but when they drive down the road they create a wave which can inundate houses making the problem worse.”
Residents of nearby Tomlinson Avenue were also on full alert as the floodwater crept nearer to their homes.
Coun Hannon, who has raised the issue at borough council meetings in the past, says he will not drop the matter until action has been taken and the problem solved.
Pictured: Coun Mike Hannon…up to his knees in floodwater again.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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