MP slams new blue bin scheme


A WARRINGTON MP has criticised the new “blue bin” scheme being launched in the town at the end of the month to boost the town’s recycling rate.
Helen Jones, the Warrington North MP, says the scheme ignores the implications for “identity theft” because it will not deal with shredded paper.
Ms Jones (pictured) said the new scheme has not been properly thought through.
She said: “The new system does not allow for the disposal of shredded paper.
“The council say this is because the machinery would get clogged up.
“However, other local authorities can, and do, collect shredded paper.
“At a time when identity theft is a real problem I think the decision by the council not to collect shredded paper is very short sighted.
“It is not good enough to suggest, as the council do, that people
tear their names and addresses off personal material before recycling them in the blue bin. If people are to get rid of personal
material they should shred the whole document not simply tear
bits off.
Equally, asking people to drive miles to the nearest community recycling centre which takes shredded paper cancels out the environmental gains which are trying to be achieved.
“Other local authorities do collect shredded paper and I don’t see
why Warrington cannot do the same.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Does Helen jones do anything but criticise other peoples intentions, all I ever hear from her is something she is complaining about in the actions of others, maybe she should come up with her own ideas once in a while and maybe be pro-active in geting something done.just look through the news hitory here on WW, helen jones slams this, helen jones against that.. Any idiot can be a critic, look at me! I find it easy, I just had to type this, instead of getting off my backside and doing something for the community.

  2. It’s about time Mrs Jones got her facts right before she made comments like this.

    Warrington Borough Council are using the same company for paper recycling that they have used since the paper collection was started by previous Labour administration. The company couldn’t handle shredded paper then . Nothing has changed apart from the ability of residents to add envelopes with gum and windows, glass bottles , plastic bottles , cardboard and cans to the mix. That is a big step forward. Most pople will be happy enough to remove the means of indentification from the paper they recycle.

    I guess Mrs Jones has a lot she needs to shred. Perhaps she should shred some of the misinformation she puts about .

  3. Yes Wigan Council does collect shredded paper but residents do not have a blue bin scheme so we have to go on endless journeys to the trip or recycling centres to recycle bottles etc. Warrington residents are lucky and I think the Council should be congratulated for introducing the scheme.

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