Urgent action needed to tackle flash floods


AN angry councillor is calling for urgent action following flash floods which caused tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage to Warrington homes as torrential rain overloaded sewers and drainage pipes.
Thousands of gallons of water and raw sewage inundated houses in Densham Avenue, Longford during the early hours, stranding residents on upper floors.
Not realising the health implications local children made the most of the conditions paddling and riding their bikes through raw sewage.
Fire crews raced to the scene but were powerless to help because there was nowhere to pump the flood water to.
Homes were flooded with water and raw sewage.
Two families had to be evacuated while others decided to stay in their homes for security reasons.
Local councillor Mike Hannon, who was outraged by the lack of response from the borough council, said: “Densham Avenue is renowned for flooding. This has happened many times before.
“The forecast was for heavy rain – it could not have been more precise. The forecasters got it right.
“But no precautions were taken. No sandbags were taken to the area.”
Artist Martin Trainer saw five years of his work destroyed by the flood waters and is angry that the council wouldn’t supply him with sandbags because he is an owner occupier.
Neighbours eventually gave him some of their sand bags but not before the downstairs of his home and his workshop were under water.
Coun Hannon added: “Nobody seems to know why the flooding is happening. But I am demanding answers as a lot of peoples lives have been ruined. We need solutions and we need them fast.”
Elsewhere in Warrington there were reports of flooding – at Lymm and in Sankey Valley Park. But nothing on the scale of Densham Avenue.

Pictures show (top) local artist Martin Trainer with Coun Hannon, a local youngster cycling through the flood waters and Coun Hannon surveying the devastation in Densham Avenue.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. I used to live in Gough avenue, and remember Densham flooding like that back in about 1981….nice to see all the imrovements made in drainage over the past 27 years, after all this isnt the bottom of a valley were talking about, neither is hawleys lane bridge. maybe when a kid dies crossing the train track to avaoid getting wet on his way home from the only school left in the area some councilor will be asking why wasnt anything done then too! so come on hannon do something now ! instead of jumping on the wagon post event.

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