Monday 2nd July 2007


Storm breaks over
college’s ?1m cuts

by David Skentelbery

A POLITICAL row has broken over a borough council resolution condemning the Labour Government for a ?1 million cut in funding for Warrington Collegiate.
Liberal Democrat and Conservative councillors forced the motion through despite opposition from the Labour group.
And Labour councillors were infuriated when their amendment to the resolution was ruled out of order by a council legal officer.
Coun John Morris ? himself a lawyer ? described the officer?s ruling as ?nonsensical.?
Ironically, while the council was passing the resolution blaming the Government for the cut and deploring the effect it would have on vulnerable students with learning difficulties, the Warrington North Labour MP Helen Jones was issuing a statement claiming that courses for young adults with learning difficulties would be protected despite the funding cuts.
Ms Jones claimed agreement had been reached following a meeting between Collegiate principal Paul Hafren, representatives of the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and the MP.
She said agreement had been reached on how to develop the provision offered by the college.
Ms Jones said it had been agreed the LSC would look at strengthening the economic role of the college, for example, by helping to develop a leisure skills academy linked to the Orford Park project.
Students with learning difficulties would still be able to access courses on the college campus and it was noted that provision for young adults with learning difficulties had been protected and that the funding for supporting students has increased.
The college also wishes to set up a skills centre to focus on retail training linked to developments in the town centre and is hoping to form a partnership with other colleges to train people for the job opportunities which will be available on the Omega site.
Liz Davis, area executive director of Cheshire and Warrington LSC said: “We will work with the college to develop these proposals and to help them respond to the opportunities which are available.”
Ms Jones said: “This was a very constructive meeting which concentrated on the excellent progress the college has made and the ways in which it can develop skills training. Focusing on apprenticeships and on training people for employment will bring enormous benefits to people in the more deprived areas of Warrington. They will be able to gain new skills, get better paid employment and build a better life for themselves and their families.”
However, Liberal Democrat Coun Peter Walker told the borough council meeting there were people in every part of the borough who would no longer be able to take courses at the college because of the ?1 million cut.
He said: ?The college applied for ?10.5 million and was given ?1 million less. There are people with learning difficulties who can no longer attend courses.?
Council leader Ian Marks said talks were to take place on Friday with both the town?s MPs to discuss the matter further. It was hoped the MPs would lobby the Government to reverse the cuts.
Labour councillors argued that LSC funding for the Collegiate had risen from ?8.9 million in 2001-2 to more than ?11 million for the current year.
Coun Mike Hannon said there had been a ?change of direction? by the Collegiate for which the governors should take responsibility.
He said: ?The blame lies at the door of the college ? not the Government.?

Chris and Rebecca – the
new voice of students

by John Hendon

TEENAGERS Chris Leyland and Rebecca McCartney have been installed as the voice of the students at Warrington?s Priestley College – President and Vice President of the new College Council.
Aim of the council is to champion the views of students and act as a link between them, the staff and governors.
It plays a leading role contributing to key working groups and forums including the Governing Body.
Chris and Rebecca who are good friends have added the additional role to an already busy College schedule as both are currently studying five qualifications.
Formerly head boy at Birchwood High School, Chris has clear aims for next year.
He said: ?We will be looking at two key areas – the College Experience and The Environment. The team are planning to develop ideas to enhance the way students experience their time at Priestley to gain the maximum from their studies.
“Rebecca and I have also been working as part of the Warrington Youth Forum team which has just had its environmental policy passed by the local council, which will be adopted by places of education in the town. We will be working on implementing this policy at Priestley to build upon an already sound ?go green? policy.
Rebecca, a former pupil at Sir Thomas Boteler High School, is currently readying herself to travel to the United States to take part in a “Future Leaders Summit”, which will bring together the most academically able students from around the world.
She said: “The college has a very positive atmosphere. You get to meet a variety of different people with a range of interests and beliefs, which leads to a diverse campus. Overall it’s a warm and friendly place to be and I’m really looking forward to working with the College Council.”

Leisure centre scoops
top management award

by staff reporter

A WARRINGTON leisure centre has won a top award for management of sports and leisure facilities.
Great Sankey Leisure Centre has been awarded QUEST accreditation for management of sports and leisure facilities, following an intensive two-day audit.
QUEST is the leading quality standard for the UK leisure industry, endorsed by a host of bodies including all four UK Sports Councils, the Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management and the Local Government Association.
The audit measures each centre against a profile of 156 best practice standards in four key areas of management.
Great Sankey Leisure Centre was given a glowing report by inspectors, who found it excelled in people management and sports development and were impressed by its green initiatives and healthy vending operation. The centre was awarded a rating of 64 per cent – an impressive score for its first-ever appraisal.
With support from the council, they were able to focus on QUEST principles for eight months, setting up a corporate working group to target areas of weakness and further develop their existing strengths.
Coun Roy Smith, the borough council?s executive ember for Community Services, said: “To gain QUEST accreditation is a truly worthy achievement. This accolade is a ringing endorsement of the hard work put in by all the staff at Great Sankey Leisure Centre and I congratulate them for their efforts.”

John, 85, volunteers for
another big sporting event

by staff reporter

WARRINGTON?S John Mockler, a volunteer steward at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester five years ago, will be one of 200 volunteers working at the EuroHockey Nations Championships at Belle Vue in August ? at the age of 85.
John, who has received the MBE for his commitment, will be the most experienced volunteer taking part.
After his experience at the Commonweath Games in 2002, he joined the Manchester Event Volunteers.
Incredibly, he even paid his own way to volunteer at the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne last year.
He has become a familiar face at sporting events in Manchester and shows no sign of relenting his commitment to sport.
John said: “I am delighted to be able to follow my passion for sport all over the world from Manchester in 2002 to my memorable trip to Melbourne last year.
?Age is merely a number and I have plans to carry on volunteering for many years to come. The Euro Hockey Nations Championships are the second biggest hockey event in the world after the world cup and the chance to volunteer for such a prestigious tournament in m

y home town was quite simply too good to miss.
?I would recommend anyone wanting to be involved in events in Manchester to get in touch with the Manchester Event Volunteers. Younger members might benefit from new skills or qualifications, though I think, for me, the enjoyment of working on such exciting events is enough for now!”
John will not be the only octogenarian at the championships as William Heretey, five years his junior, has also signed up. He also volunteered back in 2002 and then again in Melbourne last year.
Sir Richard Leese, leader of Manchester City Council said: “I am delighted that the volunteer programme has grown from strength to strength since the Commonwealth Games in 2002, by offering real legacy benefits and training opportunities through the Manchester Event Volunteers.”
The EuroHockey Nations Championships 2007 takes place at Belle Vue Leisure Centre, one of Manchester’s legacy facilities from the 2002 Commonwealth Games and begins on August 18.
The top three teams in each event will gain direct qualification for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

Softwware firm aims
for global markets

by business staff

WARRINGTON based software firm TeamKnowledge is refocusing on global markets with its TKDialogs product.
TKDialogs is a product designed for customer relationship management scenarios such as company web sites, call centres and face-to-face customer support centres.
The company has been growing fast in the UK ? with its product being adopted by local authorities and financial services institutions. However, in preparation for the Microsoft Worldwide Partner event in Denver in mid July, the company has engaged the services of specialist ICT sector marketing firm Quadriga Consulting Ltd., based in Northern Ireland.
Joe Cassidy of TeamKnowledge, ?We recognised that there was a worldwide opportunity throughout the Microsoft Partner network. We needed experienced professional assistance to exploit it. Our product is engineered to work with other Microsoft products so we needed to tell the world ? but especially global Microsoft partners ? just how great our product is.
?By working with Quadriga Consulting we have literally built our messaging, branding, product demonstrations, product literature from ground up. The net result is that we now have a set of really strong marketing messages that clearly convey the real business advantages of our product to our target audience.?
TKDialogs will be showcased at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Denver from July 10-12.

TV set on fire
by staff reporter

FIREFIGHTERS were called to a house in Pocklington Court, Padgate, Warrington when a television set burst into flames.
The blaze was in a ground floor living room, which suffered smoke damage.
But no-one was hurt. Smoke alarms fitted by the Fire Service activated and the occupier escaped unharmed.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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