Tuesday 5th December 2006


Council’s new list of
“approved” walking days

by David Skentelbery

A LIST of 15 walking days, festivals and other events involving highway processions across Warrington next year is being recommended for approval by council chiefs.
It includes four civic events ? Mayor?s Sunday, Warrington Walking Day, Regimental Sunday and Remembrance Sunday.
The events will all receive financial support from the borough council.
But there will be anger in some parts of the borough that some long established events are not on the list, which is almost exactly the same as the list hastily approved earlier this year in the wake of the police announcement that it could no longer supervise road closures.
One long-standing event, Grappenhall Walking Day, has been added to the list but Birchwood Carnival did not apply for support.
Thelwall Rose Queen Festival and Glazebury Gala, both of which went ahead this year without police supervision and without street processions, did not apply for support and are again not on the list Other events on the list are St Patrick?s Day, St George?s Day, Padgate and Woolston Walking Day, Lymm Festival, Stockton Heath Walking Day, Orford Walking Day, Bawming of the Thorn, Lymm May Queen, Westy Carnival and Lymm Carols at the Cross.
Cost of this year?s events was ?56,138, including ?40,000 on the four civic events. Next year?s costs are expected to be of a similar level and the council?s existing budget provision falls some ?10,000 short. This year, the council made the extra money available and if the list is approved, continuing support will be needed.
A report to the executive board notes that the option to withdraw some, or all, of the support exists. However, changes are not recommended.
The report concludes: ?Events on the highway remain a fundamental part of Warrington community life, but the ability of the council and the police to continue to support events to historic levels is compromised by health and safety requirements, police resource constraints and the council?s ability to fund the increased costs necessary to ensure safety on the highway.?

Hunt for three men
who robbed cabbie

by staff reporter

THREE men are being sought by police after an attack on a taxi driver at Warrington.
The cabbie?s satellite navigation system was stolen in the incident in Sandy Lane, Stockton Heath.
Police say the three men took a taxi home from Wigan in the early hours of November 19. They were dropped off in Sandy Lane around 5.50am.
It was then that one of them attacked the taxi driver ? a Wigan man ? and stole his satnav system.
The taxi driver suffered cuts and bruising.
All three men are described as being of medium build. One was about 5ft 8 inches tall, another about 5ft 10 and the third about 6ft. Two had short black hair.
At least one spoke with a Warrington accident.
Anyone who can help police with their investigation is asked to call DC Gary Smith on 01244 613835.

Freemasons turn back
the clock 60 years

WARRINGTON Freemasons turned the clock back more than 60 years to help raise money for the British Heart Foundation.
The Warrington Group of Masonic Lodges organised a Forties Night in the Masonic Hall, Warrington, and they knew which member to ask to be Master of Ceremonies, 84-year-old Ken Foulkes.
Ken was ready for parade duty in his RAF Flight Sergeant uniform and so that no one could question his qualifications, Ken, of London Road, Stockton Heath, had his discharge papers from 1946 to show. He also proudly wore the medals he earned during war service.
To get everyone in the mood of the forties, Glenn Miller Tribute Band the Norman Roy Orchestra, provided the music after the ?all clear? siren had been sounded.
About ?150 was raised for the British Heart Foundation.

Residents gear up for
another riverside battle

by John Hendon

RESIDENTS are gearing up for another battle to block proposals for highrise flats along the Mersey frontage at Howley, Warrington.
Howley Residents Association and local councillor Yvonne Fovargue will take on developers who want to build 97 one and two bedroomed apartments on land at Navigation Street.
They have already won one battle ? successfully resisting an appeal for tower blocks at Howley Quay.
The borough council has also started work on a planning brief to provide guidance on appropriate development along the Mersey.
Coun Fovargue said: “We have already successfully defended the view that Howley is not the place for highrise development.
“The inspector supported residents in stating that highrise was inappropriate given the importance of the Parish Church spire and its significance to Howley and the wider Warrington community.
“In my opinion the decision to throw out the appeal for highrise at Howley Quay and the suggestion that a planning brief for the waterfront is desirable sets a precedent for the context in which this new appeal will be determined.”

Sports club car park
will be an improvement

by staff reporter

PLANNING chiefs are being asked to approve the laying of hard surfacing for a car park at a sports club ? after the project has been completed.
A retrospective application for the car park at Grappenhall Sports Club, in Stockton Lane, Grappenhall comes before Warrington?s development control committee tonight (Wednesday).
Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council has lodged an objection on the grounds the car park is unnecessary in the context of the sports club as a whole and is an intrusion in the green belt and a detriment to neighbours? amenity.
But planning officers say the land has a history of use for parking associated with adjacent sports pitches which could continue largely without control.
They say the hardstanding, with proposed landscaping, will be an improvement on the existing situation.

News in brief

Festive fun
FATHER Christmas is joining local residents at the Greenwood Centre, Orford, Warrington on Saturday, December 2 for a fun packed festive event. Entertainment will include a children?s disco, face painting, ?hook a duck? games, refreshments and a free prize draw at 3pm when a ?50 cash prize will be up for grabs.

Amnesty event
WARRINGTON and Lymm Amnesty Group are holding an event at Lymm Village Hall on Saturday, December 2 between 10am and 4pm when visitors can sign a Christmas card to a prisoner of conscience and meet members of the group. Mince pies and coffee will be on offer.

Stables refused
PLANS to build stables and storage buildings for hay feed and tractors at a house in Heath Lane, Croft, near Warrington have been rejected by planners.

Driving ban
WARRINGTON Borough Council has made an order to temporarily prohibit driving in Birchdale Road, Stockton Heath while sewer maintenance work is carried out. It comes into effect on December and is expected to be necessary for five days.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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