Wednesday 15th November 2006


Low cost homes approved
despite resident’s objections

by David Skentelbery

PLANNING bosses have given the green light to a development of 40 low cost homes at Warrington ? despite objections from nearby residents who claimed they had been kept in the dark over the proposals.
Warrington?s development control committee has approved the scheme on council-owned land between Helsby Street and Salisbury Street.
The West Fairfield Residents and Tenants Association had complained of a complete lack of consultation with local associations or the community.
They put forward that just because the scheme involved low cost homes, this should not mean low standards. In particular there was concern that the scheme would involve kitchens and bin stores at the front of the properties.
The scheme was submitted by Warrington Housing Association.
But planning officer said the proposal had clear benefits that would make a valuable contribution to the availability of affordable housing in Warrington.
They accepted that the lack of car parking could result in too many vehicles being parked in the street and that the scheme was ?finely balanced?.
But they claimed the scheme?s inadequacies were outweighed by its positive benefits because of an additional 40 low cost dwellings.
Little weight could be given to the loss of the community house as, despite claims to the contrary by residents, there were alternative facilities close by.

Casino night proves
to be a winner

by Gary Skentelbery

A CHARITY casino night raised more than ?3,000 for Warrington Disability Partnership.
More than 100 guests enjoyed the exclusive event at Warrington Wolves’ Halliwell Jones Rugby League Stadium which also included an auction of donated gifts.
Guests included the Mayor of Warrington Linda Dirir, Warrington Rugby League legend Mark Forster and prominent members of the local business community.
“Foz” won the prize for the “top gambler” of the night – which would have been $650,000 had it been for “real money” – which he pointed out was the only thing he had ever won at the Halliwell Jones!
David and Margaret Black from local accountants Watkinson Black were the successful bidders for a signed Wayne Rooney shirt while local jeweller Laurence Levey from A Baker and Sons, went home with a car full or prizes, including a signed Wolves rugby ball, a House of Commons Bottle of Whisky signed by Tony Blair and a holiday for four to Tenerife.
The event proved so popular plans are already in the pipeline for two more next year.
WDP founder Dave Thompson said: “I would like to thank everyone for their great support. It was our first ever casino night and I think it is fair to say everyone had a great time.
“We are already making plans for others next May and October. I would also like to say a big thank you to Jon Menzies and the team for all their hard work.”

Fireman Les conquers
Africa’s highest mountain

by staff reporter

FIREMAN Les Spencer has returned to the UK after completing the challenge of a life time having successfully reached the summit of Kilimanjaro
The married father of two who this year also celebrated his 50th birthday completed the remarkable achievement in order to raise funds for the Runo School Appeal at Warrington?s Priestley College
In total friends, family and colleagues pledged more than ?600 to support the expedition, taking the overall amount raised so far for the appeal to over ?4,000
Les was one of an 11 strong party to attempt to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa and he was just one of five who made it all the way to the top as others suffered with altitude sickness
His 13 day expedition also included his ascent to the top of Mount Meru and the nature of the physical ordeal was highlighted with the news he had lost a stone in weight
Les admitted the challenge was tougher than he had originally anticipated
He said: ?At times during the expedition sickness kicked in and many members of the group really did suffer with altitude problems
?The climate conditions were among the most remarkable I have ever witnessed with very hot weather at the bottom of the mountains in contrast to the very cold conditions at the top. Overall it took me around two weeks after the trip to feel my usual self.?
Les said the experience will stay with him for some time to come.
He said: ?The whole package over there was sensational and it was great to meet with local people. I have to say it was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done and the news that I have helped the Priestley appeal further is just the icing on the cake.?
Meanwhile the college appeal continues to go from strength to strength with the magic figure of ?4,000 now raised. This money has already been put to good use in Runo and has seen the creation of 250 benches made by local tribes. An initial new school building is also now in place while new teaching staff have been employed
Priestley College have also launched a website detailing all the information about the good cause, which can be located at
All further information on The Runo School Appeal can be obtained from Bev Whittaker on 01925 633591 or email [email protected]

IT firm offers a
defence against spam

by Terry Johnson

ELECTRONIC Trojans which can stalk a business’s computer system and create mayhem are just one of the threats posed by lowered email security.
Now leading Warrington IT support company, CE Services, is offering free consultation meetings with local companies worried about Trojan spyware.
CE Services’ Mark Ralph said: “We have been looking into the effects of email spam on small and medium-sized companies in the region. Far from being under control, the problems of email spamming are becoming more sophisticated and complex to deal with.”
Typically, a small business in the North West might receive between 750-1,000 emails every day. CE Services found that 80 per cent of corporate email is spam.

Charity seeking
volunteer fundraisers

by John Hendon

A WARRINGTON-based charity is seeking volunteers to help reach a ?100,000 fund-raising target.
The Relationships Centre ? formerly known as ARC ? have set themselves an ambitious target but needs volunteer fundraisers.
The charity offers practical and emotional support, information and advice to people whose lives have been affected by violent, abusive and unhealthy relationships.
Marketing manager Marissa Hankinson said: ?Our volunteers are our most valuable resource – providing a wonderful service offering practical and emotional support, information and advice to people whose lives have been affected by the issues of violent, abusive and unhealthy relationships.
?They come from all walks of life, are of both sexes, all ages with one common desire – the willingness to do everything they can to help, wherever they can.
?We have given ourselves an ambitious fundraising target and we are looking for volunteers to help us reach that target. If you would like to find out more about joining our team we would be very glad to hear from you.?
Anyone who wants to help can contact Marissa on 01925 246910 for more information.
Further information is also available from the website

News in brief

Christmas Fair
A CHRISTMAS Fair is to be held at Appleton Parish Hall, Warrington on Monday November 20, starting at 10am.
There will be tea, coffee, mince pies as well as stalls selling gifts, toys, cards, books, jewellery, clothing, home crafts, etc.
The event is in aid of the Children in Need appeal.


FIRE wrecked a private garage in St Mary Street, Latchford, Warrington during the night – resulting in the loss of a car kept in the building. The cause is being investigated.

Pub plan
PLANS to extend the Mersey public house in Mersey Street, Warrington and change the use of the ground floor to two take-away shops, with the first floor accommodation converted to two self-contained flats have been given the go-ahead by borough planning chiefs.

No waiting
AN experimental “no waiting” restriction is to be introduced in Langford Way, Appleton Thorn, Warrington from Thursday, November 16 following surveys which have shown that obstructive and hazardous parking frequently occurs. The impact of the ban will be monitored.

[ 15.11.2006, 17:33: Message edited by: DS ]


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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