Friday 10th November 2006


Action group set up
to fight for theatre

by David Skentelbery and Mark Hemmings

AN action group has been set up to fight for a theatre at Warrington ? and save one of the town?s best known landmarks.
The group ? representing amateur theatre and arts groups across the borough ? is to submit a planning application for a change of use of Mr Smith?s club at Bridge Foot to that of theatre.
Mayor Linda Dirir and Deputy Mayor Celia Jordan are backing the group, formed following a public meeting in the town.
In fact, the change of use would mean the 69-year-old building reverting to what it once was ? a cinema and theatre.
The club ? which started life in 1937 as The Ritz and later became the ABC Cinema ? is up for sale following the death of owner John Smith.
Staff have been told they are to be made redundant and developers are believed to be interested in the site for a restaurant, offices or apartments.
But the action group believes the club?s closure presents an opportunity for Warrington to have a theatre again, after a gap of 15 years, since the old Crosfield Centenary Theatre closed in 1991.
They also believe the club building ? which has many interesting art deco features ? is worth preserving.
Warrington borough council has just revealed proposals to spend almost ?7 million on revamping the Parr Hall, the town?s main concert venue. But the action group do not see this as competition.
Spokesman Seb Farrell said: “A town the size of Warrington deserves both a concert hall venue and a theatre.
“I love the Parr Hall as do many of my fellow campaigners but the truth is that the venue doesn’t have any of the glamour of a theatre. Not a lot could be done to make it a workable theatre.
?By comparison, ?7 million would easily buy and re-develop the inside of Mr Smith?s building as a superb theatre.”
Warrington?s Centenary Theatre Company has been forced to move out of town because of the lack of suitable premises and members are involved in the new action group.
They were the last group to appear at the old Crosfield Theatre in 1991. If the campaign results in a new theatre for Warrington they may think the last words of their final production there, ?Hindle Wakes?, are not inappropriate.
The words were: ?It is strange ? it makes you think there is something in providence after all.?

Traders hit back after
“seige” by burglars

by Terry Johnson

A ?BURGLARIES siege? which hit traders in busy Lymm village could soon be over – thanks to a police get-smart operation.
Shopkeepers were left reeling after being burgled 30 times in just 12 weeks.
The crime onslaught left victims worried about loss of stock and the prospect of soaring insurance premiums.
Police drafted in a community-action team to intercept criminals and protect commercial premises at risk of being hit.
Officers have now issued free ?Smart Water? kits to scores of shops and businesses. The chemical compound, invisible to the naked eye, will protect high-value goods and can be used as a spray-marker on thieves as they sneak property.
PCSO Daren Dennis said: “Smart Water is one way of tackling burglaries. We are also advising shop owners and businesses about other forms of security”.
Lymm businesses that have not yet received the anti-crime kits should contact community action officers on 0845-458-6372.

Charity hands out a
hair-raising challenge

by Terry Johnson

A HAIR-raising challenge – to leap out of an aircraft at 10,000ft and ?skid? down the sky – is offered by Warrington charity, The Relationships Centre.
They want more people to discover the joy of skydiving…and at the same time help raise funds for improving family and other relationships.
The centre’s deputy director, Lucy Hindmarch, will be seeking to conquer her fear of heights with a 10,000ft tandem skydive.
And Marissa Hankinson, who has also signed up for the challenge, said: “A donation of as little as ?5 could help us deal with an enquiry of someone seeking help and advice. It can take a lot for someone to make that call, especially if they have been experiencing domestic abuse and are thinking about running away”.
For details of the charity challenge, ring 01925-246910 or visit

Leisure centres to
get a re-launch

by Terry Johnson

THREE Warrington leisure centres are to get a civic re-launch following ratepayer-funded improvements.
The Broomfields, Great Sankey and Woolston centres are being re-branded under the new name, Select Leisure.
Investments through the ?Transforming Warrington? programme are aimed at producing more attractive services to stimulate interest in healthy lifestyles.
Mayor Linda Dirir, will be at the Broomfields centre tomorrow (Tuesday) to see the improvements at first hand and try out new equipment.
Transformation of the leisure centres has included provision of new gyms, fitted with cardiovascular and resistance equipment, new all-weather pitch and aerobic studio at Broomfields, plasma screens with digital tv.
Membership of any single leisure centre allows use of all five borough centres, which also include Birchwood and Fordton at Longford.

How to grow
a family tree

by John Hendon

TIPS on how to unravel the mysteries of a family tree can be obtained at an event at Warrington?s Gateway Centre on Thursday, November 16.
Members of the Warrington Family History Group – part of the Liverpool and South West Lancashire Family History Society – are holding a Family History Open Day at the Sankey Street centre.
Admission is free, refreshments will be available and the event runs from 10am to 3pm.
Spokesman Joe Griffiths said: ?This is an opportunity to learn how to trace your family history ? a chance to start a fascinating hobby, with the opportunity to ask members of the group about all aspects of genealogy, not necessarily confined to the Warrington area.?
There will be a bookstall with a full range of items relating to Family History, displays by the Queen’s Lancashire Regimental Museum (ex South Lancs Regiment) Liverpool and SW Lancs Family History Society, Warrington Library, etc.etc.
More information is available from Joe Griffiths on 01925 755469.

Man, 36, charged with
robbing elderly women

by court reporter

A 36-year-old Warrington man has appeared before the town’s magistrates charged with two offences of robbery.
Lee Stephen Cole was charged with two offences of robbing elderly women in the Warrington area.
Both the alleged offences were street robberies involving the theft of handbags.

Eager-beaver pupils
praised by watchdog

by Terry Johnson

EAGER-beaver pupils of a Warrington school have been praised by an education watchdog. Ofsted inspectors describe St Paul of the Cross Catholic Primary as ?outstanding?. The school presented staff and pupils “with the opportunities to say ‘Yes – I want to have a go at that'” according to the inspectors. They found that mature pupils notched up work standards significantly above average in all core subjects. Outstanding academic progress was helped by a wide range of clubs and after-school activities. Pupil behaviour is said to be ?excellent?, with consideration given to the needs of those around them. The report also praises teachers and staff. “There is a buzzing endeavour as the school moves from strength to strength”. Head teacher, Andy Cocker, said: “We are thrilled with this outstanding report from Ofsted. We are particularly pleased with findings on the high standards achieved in maths.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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