Wednesday 1st November 2006


Housing management
team’s future in doubt

by David Skentelbery

THE future of Warrington?s Golden Gates Housing, the borough council?s housing management organisation, is to be put under the microscope ? little more than two years after it was set up.
Town Hall chiefs are to be asked to consider four options for the future management of the town?s 10,000 council homes in the light of two recently published Government documents.
One is a review of organisations similar to Golden Gates Housing ? ALMOs, or Arms Length Housing Management Organisations and the other is a discussion paper entitled ?From Decent Homes to Sustainable Communities.?
Golden Gates Housing (GGH) was set up by the former Labour controlled council after criticism from the then Liberal Democrat opposition about undue delays.
The four options councillors are being asked to consider are:
To carry on as at present, with GGH agreeing annual funding with the council.
Taking housing management back ?in house? or exploring the possibility of transferring stock to a housing association.
Expanding the range of services provided by GGH for the council, such as managing physical and social regeneration initiatives.
Carrying on with GGH but enabling it to offer its services to other landlords, etc.
Coun Roy Smith, executive member for community services said: ?The opportunity has arisen for us to review how our housing management is delivered, but more detailed analysis and consultation with tenants is needed before any decisions are made.?

Hall captures “small
visitor attraction” award

by Terry Johnson

AWARD-winning Arley Hall and gardens is cracking open the champagne again – taking a regional awards title of ?Small Visitor Attraction of the Year?.
The hall near Warrington has been in the Ashbrook family for more than 500 years and its original gardens were created two-and-a-half centuries ago.
They were first opened to the public in 1960 and in recent years have enjoyed an avalanche of recognition.
They were ?Garden of the Year? in 1987, named in the Top 10 Gardens in Britain list in 2004 and the Top 50 Gardens in Europe last year.
Lord Ashbrook said of the latest award: “We are honoured to be chosen as a flag-bearer for the Northwest at the National Tourism Awards.
“I am immensely proud of our staff at Arley. We take great pleasure in sharing this remarkable place with visitors across the region, the UK and the world”.
Judges were impressed by the ?visual and sensual feasts? at Arley and the ?wow factor? of the garden topiary.
It was, they said, ?a place of escape from the outside world?.

Store giant’s high tech
defence against thieves

by Terry Johnson

SWEDISH retail giant IKEA, has mobilised a new high tech weapon against Christmas thieves ? ?Smart Water?.
The chemical-treated water – invisible to the naked eye – has been used to mark laptops, computers, phones and other valuable equipment at the Warrington store.
?Smart Water? can identify stolen property and target receivers of stolen goods.
IKEA’s use of ‘Smart Water’ at the store, alongside the M62, completes latest anti-theft measures across its 15 UK outlets.
Spokesman, David Hughes, said: “Since its roll-out to stores, there has not been a single recorded incident of burglary.
“All our valuable equipment is marked and we have signage in all our stores saying the system is being used. Now we may use ?Smart Water’ globally.”
Warrington Police Inspector, Brian Heywood, said: “It is an effective crime-prevention tool. It sends a strong warning to criminals?.

Two due in court after
youth attacked in street

by David Skentelbery

TWO men are due to appear before magistrates at Warrington today (Monday) following an incident in the town centre in the early hours of Saturday morning.
A 20-year-old is charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and a 19-year-old is charged with causing an affray.
Both are charged in connection with a disturbance which started in an alleyway off Academy Way and then continued later in Barbauld Street, according to police.
A 16-year-old youth from the Cadishead area is alleged to have been attacked by a group of men, believed to be using wooden sticks.
He was taken to hospital in Warrington with head injuries and later transferred to Walton Hospital in Liverpool where his condition is now said to be stable.
Police are still seeking information about the disturbance and anyone who can help is asked to call them on 01244 613831.

Barn extension
is rejected

by staff reporter

A PLANNING inspector has thrown an appeal against the refusal of planning consent for a two-storey rear extension at Brookside Barns, in Tarporley Road, Stretton.
Warrington Borough Council refused permission for the scheme last year.
But the applicant appealed and the plan was considered by an independent inspector.
He ruled that the scale and design of the proposed extension failed to respect the character of the original barn which, although altered in the past, still retained a character appropriate to the Green Belt.
In addition, it would rob an adjoining dwelling of daylight.

Bedroom fire caused
by cigarette end

by staff reporter

FIRE caused extensive damage in the bedroom of a house in McKee Avenue, Longford, Warrington.
The blaze – believed to have been caused by a cigarette end – filled the first floor of the house with smoke. But the occupants escaped and no-one was hurt.
Fire crews wore breathing apparatus and tackled the blazing mattress and other bedding using a hosefeel. A ventilation unit was used to clear smoke from the property.

Health chiefs warn
on Bonfire Night

by Terry Johnson

COMMUNITY health chiefs are appealing for Warrington families to keep the pain out of Bonfire Night celebrations.
Last year nearly 1,000 people were hurt by fireworks across the UK, with blast and burns injuries showing a distinct ?spike? in the North West.
Half of these injuries were at family homes or private parties, with 55 per cent of casualties under-16, many of whom suffered life scars.
Razia Chesworth, child accident prevention specialist to Warrington Primary Care Trust, said: “Fireworks need to be handled by adults. And it is better to avoid alcohol if you are setting off fireworks or are looking after children”.
She urged people to follow the Firework Safety Code, which underlines the need to keep fireworks in a closed box, to read instructions on fireworks carefully, to keep naked flames away from fireworks, to direct rockets away from spectators and to never use paraffin or petrol on a bonfire.
Children should always be supervised and pets kept indoors.
Sparklers appeared to be ?harmless? – but the tip burned with the heat of a welding torch, so leather gloves should always be worn and sparklers kept clear of people.

Library to offer
books for sale

by staff reporter

CULCHETH Library is to hold a book sale from Thursday, November 16 to Saturday, November 18.
Hardbacks, paperbacks, test books, CDs and videos will be on offer at prices starting at 10pm.
Many of these are withdrawn library books, have gone out of print or simply are no longer on sale, so it is a fantastic opportunity to snap up a classic.
Culcheth Library is open from 9.30am to 1pm pm Thursdays and Fridays, from 2-7pm on Thursdays and 2-5pm on Fridays. It is open from 9.30am until 1pm on Saturdays.

Ecology park plan
for old glue factory

by staff reporter

PLANS have been put forward for a nature/ecology park ? on a site that was once regarded as one of the most troublesome industrial nuisances in Warrington.
The scheme involved the site of the for

mer Gorton?s glue factory, in Manchester Road, Paddington.
For years, residents over a wide area complained of a horrific smell problem from the works ? known locally as ?the bone works? ? arising from the manufacturing process.
The site has stood empty and disused for some years however.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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