Monday 25th September 2006


Riverside “skyhomes”
plan angers residents

by Terry Johnson

NEW plans for nine-storey ?skyhomes? overlooking the River Mersey in central Warrington have met with a salvo of protest from residents of old Howley’s terraced streets.
Together with multi-storey apartments proposed at the adjoining Howley Quay site – a scheme fought out at a two-day public inquiry this week – the latest proposal is seen by the local community as an ominous threat to the area.
Residents are worried at the hunger of developers for speculative and intrusive apartment blocks, strung out along the line of the river.
Multi-storey blocks would ?irrevocably damage? the existing Howley community, claims the residents’ action group. They would add to traffic chaos, overcrowded schools and GP surgeries and dwarf the historic steeple of St Elphin’s Church, in a conservation area.
Latest plans put in by Watkin Jones and Son Ltd are for 97 one and two-bedroom apartments between Navigation Street and the Mersey. This is an increase of 20 apartment homes originally applied for.
The developers say higher unit numbers ?better reflect market demand for smaller apartments?.
Fronting the Mersey, the site is presently occupied by industrial buildings.
Borough planners recommend the project go-ahead, but three ward and parish councillors object, together with the Howley Residents’ Association.
The action group says the Government has stepped away from supporting a new generation of high-rise homes ‘as local councils witness residents’ anger’.
“A successful tower block, incorporating affordable housing, has evaded architects the world over – scarring areas like ours because they are unsuitable for families and nobody is willing to pay long-term maintenance costs,” they say.
Town hall planners say the development proposed – in combination with other sites – has the potential to transform the waterfront. This includes major improvements to public access to the river front and the ?reconnection? of Warrington with the Mersey.

Student is
a cracker!

by Gary Skentelbery

WARRINGTON student Amanda Dobson will make an arresting sight when she appears alongside Robbie Coltrane when the hit TV crime drama “Cracker” returns next month (October).
Amanda, 21, will be seen playing a policewoman when Coltrane returns as hard-nosed criminal psychologist Fitz.
The one-off special was filmed in Ardwick in Manchester where Amanda spent three weeks with the 55-year-old star, also well known for his roles as gentle giant Hagrid in the Harry Potter films.
?He kept taking the mickey out on my Warrington accent, but he was great fun,? said Amanda, from Grappenhall.
Amanda, who has also had roles as Denise Welch?s daughter in Where the Heart Is, has recently decided to pursue a career behind the camera, as a make-up artist. She?s just enrolled on Warrington Collegiate?s Photographic Make-Up course to get the skills she needs for television and film work.
Amanda, who joined the EKA agency, after studying performing arts at college, has also appeared on stage in the musical production such as Cats.
?It?s good to see the stars and be a part of the television shows but it?s very hard to get bigger roles. I?m really interested in the make-up side of the business and want to get the qualifications I need to take my ambitions further,? she added.

Mobile rangers to
patrol town’s parks

by staff reporter

MOBILE rangers operating from designated bases are to patrol Warrington?s parks under a new initiative by the borough council.
They will organise events and patrol key locations, travelling around the borough.
Eight rangers will cover the town?s inner areas from community park bases including Orford, Sankey Valley and Victoria Parks.
The outer areas will be managed and patrolled by five mobile rangers operating out of Risley Moss and Rixton Clay Pits, while Walton Gardens will have three dedicated rangers.
Head of parks and green spaces Dave Stamp said: “This is a reorganised and streamlined service, operating within available budgets and aiming to ensure a uniformed ranger presence in key community and countryside parks.
“The aim is to provide access to parks and green spaces, giving the opportunity for people to benefit from the natural environment and enjoy a fit and healthy lifestyle.”
The new service, which will be introduced at the end of the month, coincides with the launch of a new events programme for Autumn-Winter. This will not now feature community firework displays at Birchwood, Orford and Woolston Parks.
Mr Stamp said: “Unfortunately, the combination of severe budget pressures, together with increasingly onerous event management and essential site and public safety measures have resulted in these high cost events being withdrawn.”
However, the planned development and improvement of parks, open spaces, play and sports facilities will continue.
This includes working with user and project groups to bid for grant funding.
A further partner meeting and workshop has been arranged for September 27 to discuss and develop initiatives to support the new service.
Warrington already has five national Green Flag awards for high standards of provision, management and community support of its parks and green spaces.

Agnes celebrates
milestone birthday

by Mark Hemmings

MILESTONE birthdays always give cause for celebration but none more so than reaching 100 years old!
Agnes Rogerson of Glazebury was originally born in Scotland but returned to her family’s native Lancashire when she was still an infant.
Educated in Platt Bridge and living in Abram, Wigan – Agnes left school at the tender age of 13. Her first job was at “The Box Works” where she was employed making gift boxes and handkerchief boxes. The fumes from the cauldrons of glue used there meant that under instructions from her doctor, Agnes was advised to seek employment outdoors.
With the help of her sisters, Agnes found new work at the local Maypole Colliery. Here she sorted the coal as it was brought up from the mine! Agnes worked there until she married in March 1929, only to return in 1942 during World War II.
Meeting her husband, Herbert at Abram Methodist Church – Agnes gave birth to two daughters Doris and Jean. Sadly Jean died at the tender age of three weeks old. Herbert passed away in September 1990 but Agnes now happily lives with Doris and her son-in-law Arthur at Glazebury – where she received her telegram from The Queen.

Neighbours oppose
house extension

by Terry Johnson

NEIGHBOURS of an Appleton couple have objected to plans for a two-storey extension at their home.
The building project submitted by Mr and Mrs G Parker, of Caxton House, Cann Lane North, is recommended for approval by town hall planners.
But neighbours are seeking to torpedo the plans on the grounds that the roof height and plot size will increase.
Neighbour objections from Comberton House and Mentmore Gardens will be considered by planners when they decide the matter on Wednesday.
Officers do not consider the structure would be ‘overbearing’ or over-shadowing.

Police probe
shooting incident

by staff reporter

POLICE are investigating an incident in which a firearm was discharged in Shaw Avenue, Warrington.
According to reports, the weapon was fire at a property.
The incident happened on Friday evening.
Police were called to the road after the shot was fired. But no-one had been injured.
A spokeswoman said an investigation was in progress but no-one had been arrested.

action meeting

POLICE are to hold a Community Action Meeting at Stockton Heath, Warrington on Thursday, September 28 at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Sandy Lane Community Centre and residents who would like an opport

unity to discuss local issues with the police are invited to attend.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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