Monday 26th June 2006


Pop festival could end
in tragedy – warning

by David Skentelbery

POP fans attending the proposed Creamfields music festival near Warrington could end up drowned in a nearby reservoir, a councillor has warned. Appleton Reservoir already attracts crowds of youngsters on summer evenings, according to Coun John Price. They particular visit the area at Bank Holidays, he told Appleton Parish Council. “The reservoir will be a natural place for young people to gather during the festival,” he said. “Somebody is bound to end up in the water – I only hope they are not found face-down in the water the next morning. “The reservoir will be one area where the police will not be present.” The Creamfields festival is due to take place on August 26-27 on land at Daresbury – subject to winning approval from Halton licensing chiefs. The site is within Halton borough, but much of the anticipated traffic and social behaviour problems could take place within Warrington. More than 400 residents of Walton, Hatton, Moore, Appleton and Daresbury have lodged objections – as has Warrington Borough Council. But Warrington Chamber of Commerce has welcomed the event on the grounds it will provide a boost to the town’s economy. Coun Brian Axcell said he could not understand how business leaders thought the festival would benefit Warrington as any money spent by pop fans would be spent on the showground. Coun Price added: “It surprises me that business people think like this – all the profits will go to the organisers. Warrington won’t get a penny.”

Cops in 986-mile charity ride

THREE Warrington police officers are taking part in a 986-mile charity cycle ride from Lands End to John O’Groats.
The riders are hoping to raise ?10,000 for two charities – The Rainbow Family Trust and Francis House Children’s Hospice.
They are cycling about 70 miles per day and hope to complete the route in two weeks.
Taking part are Sergeant Mike O’Carroll (Warrington South NPU), Sergeant Derek Lockie (Northern Area Public Protection Unit at Warrington), PC Andy Murray (of Wilmslow NPU) and PC Jeff Mather (Northern Area Demand Management Unit at Warrington), who is driving the support vehicle.
PC Andrew Murray said: “We are hoping to raise funds for Francis House which gives terminally ill children and their families such vital support. We are already half way towards our target thanks to the tremendous support we’ve had and thanks also go to our sponsors Polar Ford for the car which will be essential back up along the way. We’re all looking forward to the challenge.”
When the team return next Monday they will be greeted by the Chief Constable of Cheshire Police, Peter Fahy, at Winsford Police Headquarters.

Farming family
win plans battle

by John Hendon

A LYMM family which has farmed land off Spring Lane for three generations has won planning consent for a new farmhouse to enable them to carry on.
The Department for the Environment has approved plans for the house ? despite objections from the National Trust and neighbouring Macclesfield Borough Council.
Mr Bill Blackburn applied for permission for the house on green belt land because of a need to live on the site to oversee management of a large dairy herd.
Planning officers at Warrington recommended the scheme be thrown out because it was inappropriate in the green belt. But after Coun Sheila Woodyatt persuaded members to visit the site, the development control committee went against their officers? advice and approved the proposals.
But it was still necessary to get Government approval as the scheme represented a departure from the borough development plan.
Now the Government has given the go-ahead.
Coun Woodyatt said: ?I am delighted this scheme has been approved because it was a genuine case of a local farming family with a genuine need.?
Planning consent is subject to a condition that the new house be occupied by someone involved in agriculture.

Anger over council’s
“school run” claims

by David Skentelbery

RESIDENTS of Beechways, Appleton have reacted with anger to a claim by Warringtonl highways chiefs that their road has a “relatively low” level of school traffic.
Pedestrian flows are, however, significantly higher than in other areas and it is this that causes problems such as pupils walking on residents’ lawns, according to the Town Hall.
Residents have been campaigning for some time for measures to stop cars taking pupils to Bridgewater High School using their road. They have carried out their own video survey which, they claim, shows that 80 cars travel up and down Beechways taking children to the school.
But in a letter to Appleton Parish Council, the borough’s transportation chief, Phil Johnson says if an order was made to exclude school traffic from Beechways it would be likely to transfer the problem to other roads such as Park Crescent and Hall Drive, which already experience traffic congestion.
He says school traffic is relatively low in Beechways compared to other roads across the borough. Pedestrian flows, however, were significantly higher.
An order excluding cars would not stop pupils walking on lawns, he adds.
Mr Johnson says counters have been placed on Beechways both during the half term break and during the school term. The results will be reported soon.
“Due to the growth in traffic and change in lifestyles, the levels of school traffic around Bridgewater Lower School have and will continue to increase,” he says. It is planned to provide parking areas on London Road to discourage motorists from entering residential areas around the school.
Residents say the borough’s traffic count was deliberately done in the wrong places and at the wrong time. Many pupils were on exam leave when the term-time survey was carried out, they claim.

“Let’s work together”
conference date

by Lesley Wilkinson

A UNIQUE conference aimed at showing businesses and the voluntary sector how they can benefit by working together, is being staged in Warrington.
Warrington Borough Council and the town’s Council for Voluntary Service are holding a social and corporate responsibility conference next Tuesday (June 27) at the Gateway, Sankey Street.
It will look at different ways of working, the benefits of partnership working and best practice.
The conference will show how by embracing social and corporate responsibility businesses can enhance corporate reputation, employee satisfaction and financial performance. And the voluntary sector will learn how to build relationships with business, according to organisers.
Coun Brian Axcell, the borough council?s executive member for environment, said: “It is envisaged that the conference will bring about a framework whereby lasting relationships can be fostered both for Warrington as a town and the people who live within it.”
Mary Barbour, chief executive for the CVS, said: “These days we all know that we can’t do everything ourselves. Business and the voluntary sector getting together benefits both our workforces, stimulates new ideas and helps the community of Warrington.”

Concert raised ?700
for church hall fund

by Lesley Wilkinson

A CONCERT by Warrington Male Voice Choir at St Thomas’s Church, Stockton Heath, raised almost ?700 for the church hall fund.
Organiser of the event Maud Ellis, of Stockton Heath Lions Club, said: “It was absolutely fantastic – phenomenal.”
It featured the concert ensemble of the choir and local teenage quartet, Dolce, featuring Ben on piano, who, despite their youth held the audience captivated.
“This is a group on the threshold of a great future, with a response that supersedes mere local support and enthusiasm,” said chorister John Davies.
The programme included solo presentations by choir veteran Reg Clarke with his rendition of Welsh favourite “Myfannwy”, and a virtuoso perfo

rmance by organist Tony Whitaker of Louis Vierne’s “Westminster Chimes.”
The evening ended with a lively version of “Alexander’s Ragtime Band.”
Maud said: “My dream now, is to bring together, two of the town’s greatest musical icons, the choir and Wire Brass. We need to show the wider public that the town has the edge in the field of traditional musical entertainment, and that it is truly alive and kicking in Warrington.”

Praise for mercy
teams after blaze

by John Hendon

POLICE have praised a number of organisations who came to their assistance dealing with the aftermath of a serious fire in Warrington town centre.
The Salvation Army, the Red Cross and the Cheshire Lowland Rescue team all helped out after the blaze, which forced the evacuation of a number of families from their homes in St Peter?s Way and Norman Street.
Nearly 100 firefighters fought through the night to control the blaze ? first reported by Warrington-Worldwide yesterday (Wednesday).
A police spokesman said today that several occupants of properties in Norman Street had still been unable to return to their homes. Part of Norman Street was also still closed while structural engineers checked the stability of buildings affected by the blaze.
The cause of the fire is still being investigated.

Stolen car
set alight

by staff reporter

FIRE crews were called to Alder Lane, near Orford Park, Warrington during the night when a stolen car was abandoned and set alight. The vehicle was almost completely burned out.
In another incident, firefighters tackled a blaze at the rear of the unoccupied Ring ‘o’ Bells public house in Longshaw Street, Warrington.
A Fire Service spokesman said little damage was caused to the building, which was boarded up and in a poor condition anyway. The possibility of arson is being investigated.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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