Wednesday 26th April 2006


Lives in danger as
gas seeps into house

by David Skentelbery

A FAMILY?s lives were put at risk when arsonists set fire to a wheeled bin on the drive of their home at Warrington.
The early morning blaze spread to a boat, trailer and car also on the drive and then to gas and electrical installations on the house.
As a result, a gas pipe fractured and gas escaped into the house through the cavity wall while members of the family were asleep in bed, unaware of what had happened.
Damage estimates at thousands of pounds was caused by the blaze in Kinross Close, Fearnhead.
Fire crews were quickly on the scene and the gas leak was swiftly dealt with. No-one was hurt.
But a police spokesman said: ?This escape of gas could easily have endangered the lives of the people in the house.?
They are appealing for witnesses of anyone who has information about the offence.
Anyone who can help should call police on 0845 458 0000.
A number of ?House for Sale? signs were set alight by vandals in the early hours of the morning on the A56 at Lymm. It is believed a gang of youths making their way home after a night out in Warrington were responsible.

Students’ day in the
“Theatre of Dreams”

STUDENTS from Warrington?s Priestley College learned about marketing and customer care when they visited the ?Theatre of Dreams? ? Manchester United?s Old Trafford Stadium.
The 37 business students had an official tour of the stadium and received a valuable insight into the world famous club, which has business interests worldwide.
They were able to take a walk down the famous tunnel where legends such as Best, Cantona and Beckham once trotted out, and some were also able to stand in the home dug-out, usually occupied by Sir Alex Ferguson on match days.
Other memorable moments included a visit to the changing rooms before the group rounded off the trip with a question and answer session.
Later the students also called into the nearby Trafford Centre, where they took lunch before listening to a marketing and customer services presentation.
Business tutor Debbie Booth commented: “The trip was a worthwhile experience and will undoubtedly help the students in completing their customer care and marketing assignments as well as giving them invaluable insights into the success of two major businesses.?

Elderly woman robbed
after chatting with thief

by John Hendon

AN elderly woman was robbed by a woman who had earlier chatted to her as they both sat on a wall outside Sainsbury?s supermarket at Warrington.
Police are appealing for witnesses of the incident in Orchard Street.
The elderly woman left home early in the morning to visit the supermarket. When she got there, she decided to sit on the car park wall outside.
After she had been sitting there for 10 or 15 minutes, she was approached by a woman in her early 20s who engaged her in conversation for several minutes.
Eventually the elderly woman left and walked home along Orchard Street. But she was approached by the same woman who grabbed her by her coat and stole a small quantity of cash.
Police say the offender was in her early 20s, about 5ft 6 inches tall, of slim build and with brown hair. She was wearing a blue anorak, jeans and very clean white training shoes.
Anyone witnessed the incident should call DS Lare Coleman or DS Darren Riley on 01244 615859.

Man who obtained ?18,000
jailed for nine months

by court reporter

A MAN who falsely claimed ?18,101 in benefits from Warrington Borough Council and the Department for Work and Pensions has been jailed for nine months and ordered to pay back the overpayment.
Wayne Peter Blakeley, aged 40, of Bowman Ave, Latchford, Warrington, pleaded Guilty at Warrington Magistrates? Court to 10 charges relating to failure to notify a change in circumstances and false accounting.
The court was told that between March 2001 and February 2004 Blakeley defrauded the council of ?4,136.47 in housing benefit and ?917.85 council tax benefit and the DWP of income support worth ?8,906.91 and ?4,140.76 job seekers allowance.
Adrian Webster, the council’s benefits manager, said: “Benefit cheats are not just defrauding the government, but their own tax paying neighbours and communities. With the new methods of data matching we are using, the obvious message to benefit cheats is – ‘you will be caught’.”
Fraud Operations Manager for the DWP Roy Paul added: “The public is fed up with cheats who steal money from the taxpayer when it should go to those in genuine need of help.”
People in Warrington can give information about alleged fraudsters free and in confidence on the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854440.

?300,000 to help build
a safer community

by staff reporter

WARRINGTON Borough Council has agreed to spend ?300,000 to support the activities of the Safer Warrington Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership.
The funding will be phased over a period of three years and will be used for a number of initiatives including:
Two Community Support Officers (in partnership with Cheshire Police) to be dedicated to day time duties in the town centre.
Enforcement work to help prevent underage sales of alcohol.
Improving lighting for parks and open spaces
Security improvements to the protect homes of victims of domestic abuse.
Partnership-co-ordinator Doug Ryan said: “This substantial investment reflects the commitment the council shows to its partnership with all other agencies toward reducing both crime and the fear of crime across the borough. The measures will go a long way toward stopping problems before they happen and reminding people there is help to fight anti-social behaviour.”

Clean team’s four
outings in a month!

by John Hendon

THE Warrington Clean Team ? the volunteer group which tackles litter and grot spots across the borough ? has planned four litter picking operations during May.
On Sunday May 7 they are visiting Callands and will concentrate on an area around the shops and near the school.
Thursday, May 11 will see the groups first evening operation when they visit Rixton and Glazebrook to help the local parish council prepare the village for the ?Best Kept Village? competition.
On Saturday, May 13 they will accept an invitation from Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council to attend the bi-annual Litter Day.
This is sponsored by the parish council and activities include inviting children to create a ?rubbish? sculpture.
On Sunday, May 21 they will visit Westbrook at the request of a school travel plan group to help clear a route for them for their ?Walk to School? week starting the following day.
The team plan to take a month off during June before resuming with a litter picking operation on July 2. The location has yet to be decided.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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