Friday 21st April 2006


Pub couple held captive
as raiders grab cash

by David Skentelbery

A LICENSEE and a woman bar supervisor were locked in a bedroom by a gang of four men who raided their Warrington pub.
Money was stolen from the tills, a safe and a cash machine at The Crown Inn, in Booths Hill Road, Lymm.
Neither the 22-year-old landlord nor his 21-year-old assistant were hurt in the raid but both were left badly shaken by the terrifying ordeal.
It was 2.30am when the pair were tidying up after the pub had closed. The woman went upstairs to the bathroom and was grabbed from behind by a man who placed his hand over her mouth and said: ?Shut up and you won?t get hurt.?
Three other men then appeared from a rear bedroom ? and the woman screamed.
The landlord ran upstairs but was met by two of the intruders on the stairs and was overpowered.
Both were then held prisoner while the gang ransacked the pub, stealing money from various places. Then they were locked in a rear bedroom while the offenders made their escape.
It is believed they left in a dark coloured car with no lights showing.
The four men were all wearing dark clothing and black ski-masks. All are said to have been of medium build, varying in height from 5ft 8 to 6ft. One was carrying a black crowbar.
Police are appealing for witnesses. Anyone who can help is asked to call DC Gordon Wilson on 01244 613832.

Banned from pubs…hoodies,
baseball caps and tracksuits

by John Hendon

PUB Watch licensees in Warrington town centre are laying down the law on what customers can wear at the week end.
Members of the police-backed scheme have decided to implement a new dress code which applies to all their premises on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights after 8.00pm.
The move has been welcomed by Warrington Police.
From this weekend pub-goers in the town will be faced with a warning poster at the door of all 35 pubs and bars who are members of Pub Watch advising them not to enter if they are wearing:
Baseball caps
Hooded tops
The consequences of failing to comply are clearly spelt out on the poster…customer who ignore the warning will not be served and will be asked to leave the premises.
Deputy Force licensing officer, Paul Draycott, said: “This should be deterrent enough – facing the embarrassment of being refused a drink and being asked to leave the pub in front of your mates or family. For those who choose to ignore the warning by entering premises wearing a hat or hood, rest assured that staff will take the appropriate action.”
The new ?dress code? is being brought in as part of an on-going strategy to improve the environment and atmosphere in and around licensed premises for the benefit of customers, licensees and staff.
Warrington Borough Council’s Trading Standards, assisted by the police, continue to provide on-going training and guidance to licensees and bar staff in conjunction with the Pub Watch scheme to give them the skills they need to say ?no? to underage customers and those not complying with the rules of Pub Watch.
In addition extra officers patrol the streets of the town centre on Friday and Saturday nights as part of Operation Negator to provide a reassuring presence for members of the public and licensees and to deter would-be trouble makers from causing any drink related disorder.

Students rewarded
for community work

by Lesley Wilkinson

YOUNGSTERS who took time away from their studies at Warrington Collegiate to help the community were thanked at a celebration at Walton Hall.
The 18 students had each given up to 200 hours of their time to do voluntary work and were thanked at this year’s Millennium Volunteers Awards.
Students, their guests, and college staff enjoyed the evening. Entertainment included a performance by Youth4U and a belly dancing display.
Awards were presented by the Mayor and Mayoress of Warrington, Couns Hans and Karen Mundry.
The Millennium Volunteer scheme encourages young people aged 16 to 24 to take part in community activities.

Five star

by Gary Skentelbery

WITH 10 GCSE’s and an offer of a place at five universities dancer Stephanie Buxton is a model student.
Now the 17-year-old youngster from Priestley College, is hoping to kick start a modelling career after being offered a place in the live final of Miss Alton Towers 2006 thanks to sponsorship from Liam McNulty at the Nelson’s Quarterdeck pub.
She is already on the books of one model agency and is a regular dancer with the Warrington Starlights at the Halliwell Jones stadium.
Stephanie, who is studying sports, performing arts and media at college is planning to do a degree in sport and dance. She has already created her own music video and has also helped out producing a Teen magazine as part of a college project.
The former gymnast is hoping a modelling career will help finance her time at university.
Stephanie, who lives in Oakwood, Birchwood said: “If the modelling doesn’t take off I would like to be a fitness instructor and perhaps have my own dance studio one day.”

Why do CSOs
“hunt in pairs”?

by Lesley Wilkinson

A QUESTION as to why Police Community Support Officers always go around in pairs was put to Stockton Heath Parish Council.
Deputy chairman Coun June Daynes asked whether there was some rule that stated they had to work in twos.
“They always go round in pairs,” she said. “So whenever you see them looking at a car or whatever, they are both taking notes.
“You never see them on their own,” she added.
Coun Peter Walker ? a member of the Cheshire Police Authority – said at night CSOs advised to work in pairs, but not in the day.

Fair Trade
fashion Show

by staff reporter

A Fair trade fashion show takes place at Warrington Golf Club next Tuesday (April 25) and Thursday (April 27) starting at 7.30pm.
This popular annual event is organised by Fair 4 All, the fair trade stall on Warrington Market.
Visitors can enjoy viewing clothing and accessories for ladies, gents, teens and children which have been made by producers in developing countries who took pride in their work because they received a fair return for their labour.
Many of the clothes are made from organic Fairtrade cotton which ensures neither the wearer or the producer will be harmed by the powerful pesticides often used in cotton growing.
Tickets costing ?5, which include refreshments, are now on sale at “Fair 4 All” Warrington Market. Alternatively you can phone 01925 415121 to arrange payment and collection.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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