Tuesday 28th February 2006


4,000 jobs promise as
business park approved

by David Skentelbery

CONTROVERSIAL plans for a major new business park, offering jobs for up to 4,000 people, have been given the green light by Warrington planners.
The second phase of the Lingley Mere Business Park, at Great Sankey, will provide more than 28,000 sq metres of office space and parking for 970 cars.
Nearby residents had lodged strong objections ? as had Great Sankey Parish Council and borough councillor Keith Gleave.
Main worries were traffic chaos, loss of green areas, road safety problems for school children and unsightly industrial buildings.
There was particular concern over the proximity of the existing Royal Mail depot and the traffic it already generation ? a vehicle arriving or leaving every two minutes.
Coun Gleave claimed there was already too much traffic on Lingley Green Avenue.
He said: “There will be an increase in 24-hour noise, dust, dirt and exhaust fumes.
“The roads are already in desperate need of repair and the six storey buildings proposed are far too high for a residential area.”
He called for a service road linking the Royal Mail base with the M62 Junction 8 to reduce the impact of traffic.
But planning officers said the site was approved for employment uses as long ago as 1987 when the Warrington New Town was being developed.
They recommended, subject to an agreement from the developers to contribute towards the cost of infrastructure improvements. A figure of ?1.8 million was mentioned – plus ?20,000 for a feasibility study on the introduction of a controlled parking zone should overspill parking occur and ?160,000 to introduce the zone should it be necessary.

A blue post box – to
help fight crime

by Terry Johnson

A BLUE ?post box? installed in the village post office at Glazebury has left some people rubbing their eyes.
The new box, however, is not a replacement for the traditional red mail box.
It is a Cheshire Constabulary initiative to get to the heart of the community, with a direct link to Police Community Support Officer Steve Dodd.
Locals can ?post? their messages and information at the Warrington Road office ? part of the Grey Horse pub – to receive a speedy response about local problems and crimefighting.
Sub-postmaster Diane Nicholson said: “The police post-box will benefit local residents, especially the elderly”.
CSO Dodd began to work from Culcheth Library four months ago, along with PC’s Alex Hill and Neil Gallagher.
He said: ?The post office is at the heart of Glazebury and is an ideal location for residents to leave message for me, or information they have about crime.
?Whilst it is not for reporting crime, which can be done by ringing 0845 458 0000 or 999 in an emergency, the police post box will give people yet another way of getting in touch with me.?
Information left at the library led to the recovery of an air weapon. Parents have also asked police to speak to their children about their behaviour.

Elderly man dies
in car crash

by staff reporter

AN elderly man was killed when his car plunged off the road at Birchwood, Warrington and crashed into a tree.
The collision was on the A574 Birchwood Way and involved a red Volkeswagen Polo travelling in the direction of Warrington
No other vehicle was involved and it is not clear why the car left the carriageway.
Police said the driver, a 78-year-old local man, was pronounced dead at the scene.
Anyone who witnessed the crash is asked to call PC Ian Stephenson on 01244 613813.

Warning after men
try to dupe pensioner

by David Skentelbery

POLICE have issued a warning after two men tried to dupe an elderly woman at Lymm, near Warrington.
The pair called at a house in Massey Brook Lane – and while one man tried to keep the woman occupied at the front door, the other sneaked in through the back door.
The first man told the woman he was selling raffle tickets on behalf of a school – although he did not say which school.
When she returned to her kitchen, the woman surprised the second man who left hurriedly. Nothing was stolen. One of the offenders was said to be “Italian in appearance” with black hair and a trimmed moustache.
Anyone who has information about the pair, or similar incidents, is asked to call DS Adrian Priest 01244 614892.

Pub landlord aims
to shed the pounds

by Terry Johnson

CHUNKY pub landlord, Stuart Mason, has started to shed the pounds from his 19 stone 10 oz frame….to raise ?’s for Breakthrough Breast Cancer.
The manager of Lymm’s Green Dragon is backed by pub regulars and friends in his bid to raise ?1,000 for the charity.
Stuart,48, has joined with 13 Vintage Inns managers from around the North-West in a sponsored slim until May.
Said Stuart, who has managed the pub for the past six years: “Our fund-raising target of ?1,000 will get our name on a brick at the charity’s centre in London.
“Though my sponsored slim will finish in May, fund-raising efforts will continue with a sponsored run at Arley Hall later in June.”

“Take a break”
day for kids

by staff reporter

WARRINGTON Disability Partnership’s ‘Take a Break’ Day for kids tomorrow (Tuesday) will focus on holidays within the UK and abroad for families who have a child with a disability.
The event, from 9.30am-4.00pm at the Centre for Independent Living, Beaufort St, will include guest speakers, information stalls, DVD and video presentations.
Said fund-raiser Jon Menzies: “This event can make a big difference to the lives of families with disabled children who need a relaxing break”.

21,000 children eligible
for ?250 vouchers

by Terry Johnson

ALMOST 21,000 Warrington children are eligible for the Government?s Child Trust Fund – but thousands of parents could miss out on the chance to choose a CTF provider.
Long-term savings specialist, The Children’s Mutual, urges parents who have not yet opened a CTF account to act now to choose their preferred provider.
The Government will automatically open an account for each child whose parents haven’t used their CTF voucher within a year of issue – a date fast approaching.
Children’s Mutual chief executive, David White, said: “Warrington parents should act now to be actively involved in the choice of where the voucher is invested. It is a decision which will affect their child’s future”.
The ?250 vouchers are used to open a stakeholder CTF account.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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