Friday 9th December 2005


Air rifle thugs
target wildlife

by David Skentelbery

A BLACKBIRD has been shot and killed by unknown persons using an air rifle in woodland at Warrington.
Police have started high visibility patrols on Woodland Trust land, near Radley Common, following a number of incidents.
Community Action Team officers are working closely with the Woodland Trust and Winwick Parish Council to find the culprits and to reassure the local community.
PCSO Michelle Nisbet said: “It would appear that whoever is responsible has been shooting at cardboard targets and now a blackbird which has been killed with a pellet.
“We are advising the public to be vigilant and to report any information that could assist us with our investigations.”
PCs and PCSOs have carried out high visibility foot patrols in the area and will continue to have a presence in the woodland to coincide with the times the culprits have been in the area.
PCSO Nisbet added: “It is illegal to have a loaded firearm in a public place.
“We will continue to patrol in a bid to catch those responsible and protect local people and wildlife. This kind of potentially dangerous anti social behaviour will be stopped.”
The Woodland Trust is a charity which owns the land, but they allow members of the public to have access to enjoy the surroundings and wildlife.
Spokesman Tim Kirwin, said: “We want to protect this space, not only for the local wildlife, but for local people to enjoy in safety. I’m pleased the police are taking this issue seriously and appreciate the action they are taking.”
Leslie Higgins, clerk to Winwick Parish Council, added: “It’s a lovely area and a considerable amount of money is being spent to improve the access for members of the public. The parish council welcomes the police working in partnership with us to ensure that this type of anti social behaviour is stopped to allow people to get the full enjoyment of the area.”

Students top dogs in
mini-trader contest

by staff reporter

A GROUP of students from Warrington?s Priestley College has been named top dogs after they beat off stiff competition to put both themselves and the college into the national spotlight.
Accountancy students Emma Hill, Kelly Moorfield and Beth Conroy entered themselves into the Mini Trader Challenge which is part of the overall ifsProShare Student Investor Scheme.
With 700 14-19 education providers entering the event, competition was always likely to be tough but the Priestley trio excelled themselves as they combined their precision knowledge of potential share performance with an added amount of speculation.
Using the real stock markets, the students had to forecast the likely performance and closing prices of a number of share prices and from the entrants it was team Priestley who got the closest.
A delighted accounts tutor Mark Jenkins said: “Finishing top of the pile from 700 entries in any competition is remarkable.”
He added: “We obviously have a number of very intelligent and astute financial players of the future among our current crop of students and maybe it won’t be long before we see them on Wall Street playing the real markets.”
Having won the competition each student was awarded a prize of ?100 from the event organisers.

Young volunteers to
arrange Mayor’s party

by staff reporter

YOUNG Warrington Millennium Volunteers have been asked by the Mayor of Warrington, Coun Hans Mundry, to help arrange his family Christmas party.
The party is for all families to attend, with all proceeds going to the two Mayoral charities; the Butterfly Project and Warrington Homestart.
Activities such as card making, party games, Christmas bingo and raffles are on offer – plus a children’s entertainer and a visit from Santa.
The group of young volunteers has been working hard for the last month ensuring the party runs smoothly and everyone will have fun.
Alison Cullen, project manager of Warrington Millennium Volunteers, said: “This event represents a massive achievement for the group, who have put a lot of time and work into it.”
The party begins at 2pm on Saturday December 17 at Alford Hall on Manchester Road, Warrington. A buffet will be available from the start, and activities will be ongoing until 6pm. Tickets are ?1.50 for adults and ?1 for children, with a family ticket admitting two adults and two children priced at ?4.50.

Schoolboy attacked
and robbed in village

by David Skentelbery

AN 11-year-old boy was attacked and robbed as he walked home from school at Stockton Heath, Warrington.
The youngster was punched in the face and an exercise book was stolen from his satchel.
He suffered bruising to his left eye.
Police are searching for two youths aged about 17 in connection with the incident.
The youngsters was walking along a passageway at the back of Dundonald Avenue, near to the old Kwik Save car park when he was attacked by the two offenders. It was about 3.15pm and still light.
After taking the exercise book, the offenders ran off, possibly in the direction of Dundonald Avenue.
The offenders were both about 6ft tall and both wore black ?hoodies? with the hoods up and black jogging trousers. One had shaved ginger hair and the other had curly blonde hair and spoke with a southern accent.
Anyone who saw the incident or who has any information about it is asked to contact PC Graham Robinson on 01244 612636.

Park and ride proves
a hit with shoppers

by John Hendon

THE free Christmas Park and Ride service in town centre Warrington is proving a big hit with weekend shoppers.
Nearly 1,000 passenger trips were taken during Saturdays in November and this is expected to increase as Christmas draws nearer.
The free service, which runs every weekend from the NWDA Centre Park car park, at the blue bridge off Chester Road, was introduced at the end of October and has been steadily growing in popularity since.
Nigel Featham, managing director of Warrington Borough Transport, said: “We’re delighted to see so many people are now using the free Park and Ride service. The buses are proving very reliable and are easy and quick to use. As the town centre gets busier and busier in the run up to Christmas, this is a convenient alternative for motorists.
The service operates on Saturdays from 10am to 6pm up until New Year?s Eve and on Sundays until December 18 from 10am to 5pm.
Users can leave their cars, for free, in the supervised car park, where there are plenty of spaces, CCTV and security patrols.

Employers’ chance to
promote mental health

by staff reporter

WARRINGTON employers have an opportunity to promote positive mental health through a new mental health charter.
Since being launched six weeks ago, four businesses have agreed to sign up to the charter. Others have expressed an interest.
The scheme, run in partnership with Warrington Primary Care Trust and the First Step Trust Merseyside, aims to support both employers and employees.
The charter’s principles are that the employer shows positive and enabling attitudes to employees and job applicants with mental health issues.
Kerry Broadhead, Warrington Primary Care Trust’s assistant director of health improvement, said: “We are pleased with the early response from local businesses about this scheme. Preventing mental ill health and promoting the employment of people who have experienced mental health problems is an important part of our work and supports the development of Warrington’s economy. This project will hopefully contribute to challenging the stigma associated with mental ill health.”
First Step Trust Merseyside is a not-for-profit organisation developing work experience and employment opportunities for people with mental health problems in the North West.
Project manager Geoff Andrews said: “We welcome the oppor

tunity to work with Warrington PCT and are pleased to be part of their efforts to promote positive attitudes to mental health in the town.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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