Tuesday 4th October 2005


Fourth police chief
takes over command

by David Skentelbery

WARRINGTON has its fourth police chief in as many months.
Chief Supt Nick Ingram has taken up the post and has already been out on patrol in the town to meet local people.
He has also met Warrington Borough Council?s Chief Executive to discuss local neighbourhood policing initiatives.
Chief Supt Ingram replaces Supt Helen King, who stayed in the post only two months before moving Merseyside Police on a temporary secondment.
She replaced Supt Clive Pownall, who left after only two months after succeeding Chief Supt Julia Clayton.
The number of changes at the top has caused concern in the town. A resolution to be put to the borough council on Monday by the Liberal Democrat opposition group, stresses the need for greater continuity in police personnel.
Chief Supt Ingram says he is greatly encouraged by the commitment of both locally based police officers and partner agencies who are working closely together to meet the needs of local people.
He said: ?I?m looking forward to providing the best possible policing services and engaging with communities to address their needs and concerns,? he said.
?I recognize that stability is important. There have been a number of changes to the Northern Area Command Team but there has also been a lot of continuity as well with many officers remaining in the same roles. Everyone is very much behind the drive to deliver neighbourhood policing and are committed to making a real difference in Warrington.?
Chief Supt Ingram joined Cheshire Police from Merseyside in 1997 after he was promoted to the rank of Chief Inspector. He worked as part of the Corporate Development department at police HQ in Chester, before undertaking the role of Best Value programme manager in 1998.
In 2000 he was promoted to Superintendent in charge of Corporate Projects and in 2001 became the Commander for Chester and Ellesmere Port division. He joined the team responsible for implementing the Force restructuring programme in 2004 and was subsequently promoted to Chief Superintendent. He will now lead the Northern Area Command Team.
He said: ?I want to get to the stage where local residents in Warrington know who their local officers are, how they can contact them and perhaps most importantly of all for them to have the confidence to approach officers to raise any issues they may have.
?It?s all about getting better at meeting the needs of local people. This will require us to work closely with our partner agencies, local politicians and most importantly of all the communities we police.?

Phone mast
plan withdrawn

by David Skentelbery

MOBILE ‘phone giants Vodafone have withdrawn a controversial application to erect a 60ft high telecommunications mast after objections from nearly 100 people.
Fearnhead Parish Council and a number of members of Warrington borough council had also objected to the plan to erect a mast in Blackbrook Avenue, Cinnamon Brow.
Planning chiefs are to hold talks with the company – and other mobile ‘phone operators – before the application is considered again.
Main opposition to the proposal was based on the grounds of its visual impact, proximity to houses, impact on health and potential distraction to motorists.
Vodafone say the mast is needed to cater for the new third generation mobile ‘phones.
Two previous applications for masts on the site were turned down earlier this year and in 2001.

Players seek
new blood

by John Hendon

THE Bridgewater Players, one of the oldest amateur dramatic societies in the country, are now on the lookout for new members ot swell their ranks.
Formed in 1951 with just six members on the stage of Eagle Brow school room in Lymm, their first ever play was “The Rotters”, and no-one has heard of it since!!! The society grew from strength to strength, with more members, both acting and non-acting, joining every year.
Unfortunately in 1968 their time at Eagle Brow came to an end and the society found themselves without a home. The last play there was “The Captives”, a very moving play which will not be forgotton by anyone who saw it.
So with nowhere to stage the plays, never mind store the costumes and scenery, it was thought that the society had come to its natural end. But with offers of storage help from various members and the Vicar of Thelwall allowing them to use the village hall to stage the plays, the players were back treading the boards.
The rest, as they say, is history! The Players are still at Thelwall today. So if you are interested in being a member, in whatever capacity, contact Alison on 0845 331 2958 and select option 2.
Meanwhile, rehearsals for the first play of the season, the thriller “Summer End”, are well under way. The performance dates are Thursday 24th until Saturday 26th November. All tickets are just ?3.50 (where else can you you have a fantastic night out for just ?3.50?!!!) and are avaliable from Stephanie The Florist, Lymm, Statham Post Office and Thelwall Post Office or call Avis Shaw on 01925 730390.

Restaurant plan for
car showroom

by John Hendon

PLANNING bosses are to make a site visit before deciding whether proposals for a restaurant in former car showrooms in Manchester Road, Woolston near Warrington.
The scheme has sparked objections from more than 50 nearby residents worried about noise, smells, increased litter and parking and traffic problems.
Residents of Hawthorn Avenue and Manchester Road are among the objectors.
Planning officers are recommending the scheme be approved.
They say there is no evidence to suggest the restaurant would give rise to anti-social behaviour litter or other problems.
But members of Warrington’s development control committee decided they would inspect the site before reaching a decision.

Chance to say farewell
to Andrew Johns

by staff reporter

WARRINGTON Wolves are giving fans an opportunity to bid ?A Farewell to Andrew Johns?.
“Joey,” who flies home, later this week, is looking forward to meeting some of the Wolves faithful tomorrow, Tuesday, October 4.
He will attend a Question and Answer Session, taking place in the Prime Time Lounge in the Martin Dawes Stand. It will commence at 6.00pm and last for an hour; Head Coach Paul Cullen will be taking part in the Q&A.
Admission is by ticket only, limited to two per person and priced at just ?1.00 for adults and 50 pence for children. Tickets will be available from Wolfware.. All proceeds will go to the Scholarship Trip to Australia.

Cricket juniors “bag”
?400 for club funds

by staff reporter

GLAZEBURY Cricket Club has ?bagged? ?400 towards the cost of new equipment for junior players and ongoing pavilion refurbishment.
Members of the Under lls and Under 13s teams packed hundreds of shoppers? bags at the Asda supermarket at Birchwood, Warrington and raised ?400.
Coach Mike Durrington said ?we are very proud of our juniors. TYhey always give their best and this event was no exception.
?Their attitude and behaviour was excellent and the total raised justifies the effort put in?
The money will go towards new junior kit, secure kit storage, and the pavilion refurbishment.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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