Saturday 10th September 2005


Police chief to leave
– after just two months

by David Skentelbery
WARRINGTON’S police commander is to leave – only two months after taking up the post.
Chief Supt Helen King is to join Merseyside Police on a temporary secondment with the rank of Assistant Chief Constable.
She was appointed commander of Cheshire’s Northern Area – which consists of Warrington and Halton – only in June.
Chief Supt King succeeded Supt Clive Pownell, who held the post for only two months, taking over from Supt Julia Clayton.
Her successor has yet to be announced, but the rapid change-over in command, which has resulted in Warrington having three police chiefs in little more than four months, is likely to cause concern in the town.
At the time of her appointment, Lymm Parish Council expressed concern and wrote a letter to Chief Constable Peter Fahy complaining at the number of management changes.
Chief Supt King said: “I am sad to be leaving Halton and Warrington behind – particularly the team of police officers and police staff who continue to work hard, arrest offenders, reduce crime and make the area a safer place for everyone.
“I would like to reassure local residents that although there have been a number of changes within the Northern Area Command Team recently, senior officers within the management team remain committed to delivering a high level of policing services to local communities.
“This temporary promotion is a developmental role and an exciting opportunity for me and I look forward to working with my new colleagues in Merseyside.”
Chief Supt King had worked in Warrington previously and led the investigation into the high profile Kathryn Linaker murder, in 1998 – the so-called “Operatic Society” murder which attracted national headlines.
A Cheshire Police spokeswoman said: “Chief Supt King’s successor will be announced in due course.”

200-mile cycle ride
raised ?5,000

by Lesley Wilkinson

A WARRINGTON man took part in a 200-mile cycle ride which ended in the streets of Paris and helped raise ?5,000 for charity.
John Thompson, 49, of Fraser Road, Great Sankey and two of his friends from Preston, raised the money for two charities Marie Curie Cancer Care and BEN, the motor trades benevolent fund.
Life coach John, who used to work in sales and marketing in the motor trade, said the event was organised by Marie Curie and more than 100 riders took part. They set off from the Marie Curie hospice in Surrey and ended at the Sorbonne University Campus in Paris.
John said: “We’ve raised over the ?5,000 and are delighted with the support we’ve received. Last year I lost a close friend, Tommy, to cancer. Tommy was just 49 and was diagnosed with stomach cancer in September of last year, 14 weeks later he died.
“Seeing first hand what cancer does to the victim, the family and friends hits you really hard and you then appreciate what organisations like Marie Curie do, in looking after the sufferers and their families.”
John, who is married to Sandra and has a son Chris, is keen on keep fit, cycling and plays football.
“We had a police escort at the start of the race as we cycled though the villages of southern England,” said John.
“As we cycled through the sleepy villages of France, crowds of people came out and cheered us on. And it was amazing to cycle through Paris, seeing all the quieter areas and famous monuments,” he added.
The friends enjoyed their trip and were met in Paris by family and friends. They chose the easy option and returned by Eurostar.
“The trip was really enjoyable, a bit tiring, but it was good to arrive in Paris,” said John. “The challenge is now to decide where to next – the Great Wall of China seems interesting.”

Most patients satisfied
with doctor and dentists

by Lesley Wilkinson

PATIENTS are generally happy with the service they receive from doctors and dentists according to a survey carried out in Warrington.
The results are drawn from a national survey of almost 117,000 people on the services offered by general practices, local health centres and dental surgeries.
Research on primary care services was carried out by the Healthcare Commission, and comes as the Government engages in a major public consultation about care outside hospitals.
In Warrington 78 per cent of patients said they had confidence and trust in the doctor they saw and 95 per cent said the doctor treated them with dignity and respect.
More than half the patients said they were sufficiently involved in decisions about medication and 74 per cent felt they were given enough information about their medication. Results showed 72 per cent felt involved in decisions about their care and treatment.
Most people were happy with access to GP services, with 73 per cent being seen as soon as possible and 69 per cent waiting less than two days for an appointment.
Research on dental services found that 72 per cent of patients felt involved in decisions about their care and treatment, and 80 per cent had confidence and trust in their dentist.
Warrington Primary Care Trust chief executive Allison Cooke said: “We are very pleased that patients are generally positive about primary healthcare services in Warrington. However, there are areas which we need to look at to make improvements and we are working on an action plan at the moment.
“We can only make improvements by taking patient views into consideration, and I would like to thank those who took part in the survey for their help.”

Martin clicks with
photography judges

PHOTOGRAPHER Martin O’Neill, from Culcheth, near Warrington, has won a place in the final of a national photography competition and his work will be exhibited in the prestigious Oxo Tower art gallery in London until September 18.
The Seeds of Change Feed Your Imagination photography competition was launched in partnership with The Observer Food Monthly magazine, to celebrate food-related moments.
Martin’s image, entitled “Merry Christmas”, captured the judges’ imaginations as they viewed the 5,000 photographs entered in the contest.
It showed a nun eating Christmas dinner.
One of the judges, Olivia Cheng, from food company Seeds of Change, said: “Martin’s photograph captured our imaginations and really reflected what the competition was about – celebrating those great food moments we all experience everyday. We’re looking forward to seeing Martin’s photograph in the exhibition.”

Club to stage
charity event

by John Hendon

POPULAR comedian Johnny Vegas will make a guest appearance at Mr Smith’s night club in Warrington on Wednesday September 21 at a fund raiser for research into Motor Neurone Disease.
The event starts at 10pm and tickets, costing ?5, are available on the night or from the club. There will be a disco and raffle drawn by Johnny with prizes including a helicopter flight.
The Cheshire branch of the charity is this year focusing fundraising on research to help find a cure for the disease.
Birchwood fire-fighter Vic Washby will be featured in a BBC Horizon programme. A television crew has filmed a year-long documentary about his battle with the disease.
The charity hopes this will raise awareness of their work into the disease which kills more people each day than Aids.
Further information about the event is available from Christine Braydon on 01925 710117 or email [email protected]

“Fun night”
for charity

by staff reporter

A FUN night out is being organised to raise funds for the Mayor of Warrington’s Charities, The Butterfly Project (NCH) and Home-Start Warrington.
The cabaret night will feature music from Decapo Dance Band and a hot pot supper, and will be held at Sir Thomas Boteler High School, Grammar School Road, on Friday September 23 from 7.30pm.
Admission is ?12 and tickets are available by te

lephoning 01925 442144.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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