Monday 1st August 2005


Hospital chief quits
after two years

by David Skentelbery

IAN Dalton, chief executive of the North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust – the organisation which runs Warrington Hospital – has announced he is leaving the post he took over less than two years ago.
Mr Dalton will become chief executive of North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust early in October.
He is the fifth chief executive the Warrington-based Trust has had since it was set up in 1993.
The first chief executive was Rosemary Knights, who left in January 1998 on health grounds.
She was succeeded by Beverley Peacock, who ran the Trust as acting chief executive for 10 months. She was succeeded by Mike Deegan, Paul Cronin and then, in September 2003, Mr Dalton.
Only last week, Mr Dalton was defending a controversial decision by the Trust to close a 26-bed ward at Warrington Hospital to save ?500,000 and improve patient care.
Mr Dalton previously worked at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust as Director of Acute Services (1999-2000).
He said: “The past two years have been the most satisfying and enjoyable of my professional life and it has been my honour and privilege to support the fantastic work that goes on across the Trust day in, day out.
“This was one of the hardest career decisions I have ever made, but I am really looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead in my new role leading a large multi-site acute Trust in the North East.
“For the two years I have been at North Cheshire, I have had to spend each working week away from my family, which remains based in County Durham. My new post will allow me to be with them full time, which is incredibly important to me.
“I know that every member of staff at Warrington Hospital and Halton General Hospital will continue to work together to deliver the highest standards of care to local people.”
During his time in North Cheshire, Mr Dalton has steered the Trust through a number of developments, including major increases in performance in areas such as cancer care, emergency care and surgical waiting times. He has also made major improvements to the Trust’s long-standing financial problems; making efficiency savings of ?8m and thus enabling North Cheshire to meet its statutory financial duties to the NHS.
These improvements resulted in the Trust gaining two stars in the NHS Star Ratings.
Other major landmarks during his tenure include the opening of a state of the art new Accident and Emergency Department at Warrington Hospital costing ?6m and the building of a new cardiac centre.
Trust chairman Allan Massey said: “Ian is a first rate chief executive and I have no doubt his new Trust will benefit from his skills and vision as we have. Everybody here will be sorry to see him go and wishes Ian all the best for the future.”

Crackdown on vehicles
with emission problems

by John Hendon

A MAJOR blitz has been launched at Warrington to drive vehicles with poor emissions from the road.
A team of environmental experts, consisting of police and borough council officers, has been stopping vehicles at random and testing their emissions.
The aim is to improve air quality in the borough.
Over recent years, Warrington Borough Council has carried out a series of formal and informal testing days.
The new checks will result in drivers whose vehicles exceed tough emissions levels being served with an automatic ?60 fine.
However, motorist could have the fine reduced or waived entirely if they agree to have the fault corrected within 14 days and an MOT certificate is provided.
Coun Pat Wright, the council’s executive member for community services, said: “Keeping the air clean is one of our top priorities and this testing conveys an important message. Drivers should take responsibility for their vehicles’ emissions and be aware of the problems they cause. It makes sense to have your car tested – proper tuning helps to save the environment from pollution, your health from breathing problems and your pocket from using too much fuel.”
Members of the public can find out more about emissions testing by visiting or contacting the council on 01925 442590.

Play workers prepare
for summer season

SIXTY “Playwork” staff spent a training week at Priestley College, Warrington – gearing themselves for the challenge of running borough-wide summer play projects.
The borough council employees were given insights of First Aid, child protection and the stimuli needed for successful children’s play activities.
Priestley curriculum manager Bev Whittaker said: “The play schemes provide Warrington with safe, stimulating play sessions for children through the summer months.
“Play scheme staff work hard to engage children – in particular those whose parents are still working”.

Fancy dress gladiator
attacked in street

by David Skentelbery

A PARTYGOER dressed as a Roman gladiator was beaten up as he walked down Bridge Street, Warrington, in the early hours of the morning.
He suffered cuts and bruises to his face and required treatment at Warrington Hospital.
Now police are hunting the gang of five or six youths who attacked him after asking him if he had any cigarettes.
They are believed to have run into McCauley’s pub after the incident.
Police said the victim, a 21-year-old man from the Merseyside area, had been attending a fancy dress party.
The group of men who attacked him were aged in their late teens or early 20s. One was about 19, 5ft 7 inches tall with short blond hair, shaved at the back and sides. He was wearing a light coloured jumper.
Anyone who witnessed the attack or recalls seeing someone dressed as a Roman gladiator in Bridge Street is asked to contact Det Sgt Alex Kane on 01244 613864.

Promoting healthy
living for kids

A NEW project, aimed at promoting healthy living among schoolchildren, has been launched by Warrington Wolves Community Team.
The Fitkids programme, sponsored by Liverpool John Lennon Airport and Sportsmatch, will be presented in Warrington’s primary schools.
It aims to improve physical skills among children by introducing them to a range of sports and activities, so that they can choose a sport to follow.
Sean Mellor, Wolves’ community and marketing manager, said: “The launch of Fitkids is a momentous occasion for the Wolves.
“As the only professional sports club within the town, we recognise our responsibility to get kids ‘off the couch’ and into sport, not just rugby league.”

Warning of Pyramid
selling scam

by Lesley Wilkinson

PEOPLE in Warrington are being warned about a new “Pyramid” selling scam.
Trading Standards officers say the scheme, known nationally as Deaf Hearts, although the name could change, could damage relationships and leave people loosing money. They say it follows on from the Women Empowering Women scam that crashed a few years ago.
The scam works like a chain letter with for example people “gifting” ?3,000 to family or friends. It promises each participant will receive ?24,000 as they progress through the hierarchy.
Trading Standards say its success depends on more people joining the scheme and that inevitably it will crash, leaving some people unpaid.
Coun Pat Wright, the borough council’s executive member for community services, said: “If you get involved in these schemes you will either make money on the back of others’ misfortune or, more likely, you will be one of the many who loses out and suffers the financial and emotional problems that will inevitably result. These schemes have a nasty sting in the tail and they prey on the vulnerable.
“All these scams do is cause public confusion, to the financial gain of a few con men and the loss of many ordinary people. If it looks too good to be true,

then it is.”
Recent warnings suggest the deaf community is being targeted by the new scheme.
Martin Colville, of the Deafness Support Network, said: “It is clear that the potential for vulnerable deaf people to lose substantial amounts of money puts people who trust individuals trying to promote the scheme at enormous risk.”

Flat wrecked by
suspicious fire

by staff reporter

FIRE devastated a flat in Festival Avenue, Orford, Warrington early today.
The blaze – which is being investigated as arson is suspected – swept through the ground floor flat, destroying a bedroom and causing extensive smoke and heat damage in other rooms.
Firefighters arrived at the scene to be told someone was trapped inside, but a search of the property revealed there was no-one in.
Fire crews wore breathing apparatus and tackled the blaze with two hosereel jets.

Housing company’s
first year success

by David Skentelbery

GOLDEN Gates Housing – the independent company that manages Warrington’s 9,300 council houses – has reported a successful first year in business.
Company accounts and the first annual report were presented at the annual meeting to Warrington Borough Council – the only shareholder.
The main success of the first year were highlighted – including a two-star inspection rating to ensure ?30m of extra investment can be made into customers’ homes.
Other features of the year were the awarding of five year partnering contracts for capital works and obtaining the Chartermark award for excellence in customer service.
A new chairman and deputy were elected for the coming year – Mrs Doreen Moors and Mr Royston Willard, both of who are residents.
Overall the Board consists of five councillors, five residents and five independent members.
GGH was formed in February last year as a separate, registered “arm’s length” company. It has its own board made up of tenants, councillors and independent members of the public and has recently undergone a government inspection when its service was rated as “good” with promising prospects to improve.

[ 01.08.2005, 17:20: Message edited by: DS ]


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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